History: ExplodingPagesBug
Preview of version: 6
When I copy and paste text into a wiki page Edit box, and then save the page, the center column that contains the wiki page content expands so I have to scroll to the right to read all of it. It pushes the right (third) column to the right along with it. Typing text directly into the wiki page Edit box does not produce this behaviour/error.
See some examples at SeeExplodingPages
I found that, when I have this behaviour/error on a page, if I copy the text from the wiki Edit box, then paste it into an HTML editor and replace every <p> with <br><br> (and of course remove every </p>) then paste it back into the wiki Edit box and save, the center column/wiki page does not "explode" to the right, and all three columns fit nicely on the screen.
Please add here to comment on whether you think this is a bug or something to fix.
Please add here if you have had this problem, on wiki pages or elsewhere, or if you have a page behaviour that is similar or related.
Please add here if you have other ideas or suggestions