History: Funnels
Preview of version: 5
What is a funnel? For various means see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funnel and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Funnel_(disambiguation).
1.1. Types of users
1.1.1. Public sector
- https://publiccode.eu/
- https://www.opengovpartnership.org/policy-area/open-contracting/
- EvoluData participates to the public tender process
1.1.2. Entreprise
- Typically a project within an enterprise department
- EvoluData has such clients.
1.1.3. Small organizations for one project
- Looking for a solution
- Usually a developers or power user is comparing solutions
- Some will like to hire Tiki consultants for extra expertise
1.1.4. Consulting firm that has many clients per year
Tiki is a great solution for diverse needs
Jean-Marc has one person he is talking to about this
1.2. Path of level of engagement
1.2.1. User/interested -> $$$ for consulting
List of consultants: https://info.tiki.org/Consultants
1.2.2. User/interested -> Contributor
Ex.: translation, bug fixing, testing etc.
1.3. Other types
1.3.1. Translators
potential volunteers
1.3.2. Content creator / community management
Want a Tiki to publish info
May need hosting and some tech support