History: HomeworkFeatureSpecification
Preview of version: 6
Tiki Feature - A major feature in Tikiwiki. Features are accessable from the application menu. Examples are Workflow, Wiki, Image Galleries, Articles, Blogs, Forums, Directory, File Galleries, FAQs, Maps, Trackers, Ephemerides, and Charts. Homework is a Tiki feature.
Page -
Buttons - are specified like this:
[click me]
The following new items are available on the application menu when logged in as a teacher:
New Assignment
Grading Queue
Last Changes
The following new items are available on the application menu when logged in as a student:
Last Changes
Edit/Create Assignments
Implemented in:
Teacher Assignment Page
You reach this page by click on the Assignments item when you are logged in as
a teacher.
Teacher Assignment Page (tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.php)
[new assignment]
Due Date | Summary Description | Works in Progress | Grading Queue | |
Friday August 6, 2004 2 A.M. | Essay: Hiroshima and American Imperialism | 20 items | 14 items | |
Friday August 13, 2004 2 A.M. | Book Report: 1984 by George Orwell | 5 items | 0 items |
Many of the items in the table are clickable:
- Clicking on "Due Date" toggles the sort order.
- Clicking on "Grading Queue" sorts the table in order of the number of items in the grading que.
- Clicking on a "Summary Description" item takes you to a page with the full description for that assignment.
- Clicking on a "Work in Progress" item takes you to a page with links to all the pages where students have been working.
- Clicking on a "Grading Queue" item takes you to a page with links to the pages where students have completed their work.
Teacher Assignment Page Implementation:
- tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.php
- tiki-hw_teacher_assignments.tpl
Student Assignment Page
Sort of like a wiki page. Add more details...