History: InstallCvsMonitorGentoo
Preview of version: 2
this is a non webapp-config, bare-knuckled guide to using cvsmonitor on gentoo linuxen
if you are interested in yet another working copy checkout http://cvs.tikiwiki.org
here are some hints:
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cd <yourdocroot>
download cvsmonitor from sf.net
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extract into <yourdocroot> dir
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tar -xzf cvsmonitor.tar.gz
to be able to write to main.conf lateron
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chown apache cvsmonitor
edit /etc/apache/vhost.d/99_cvsmonitor.conf
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<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName cvsmonitor.<yourhost> ServerAlias cvs.<yourhost> RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_METHOD} ^{TRACE|TRACK} RewriteRule .* - [F] ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "<yourdocroot>/cvsmonitor" <Directory "<yourdocroot>/cvsmonitor"> AddHandler cgi-script .pl Options +ExecCGI DirectoryIndex index.html cvsmonitor.pl order deny,allow allow from all <FilesMatch "\.conf$"> order deny,allow deny from all </FilesMatch> </Directory> </VirtualHost>
reload apache
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/etc/init.d/apache reload
goto http://cvsmonitor.<yourhost>/setup.pl
check and satisfy perl requirements:
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emerge File-Slurp File-NCopy Clone File-Find-Rule GDGraph Sort-Versions Time-Duration Net-Telnet Proc-ProcessTable Validate-Net XML-Generator
emerge Class-Handle-1.03 (based on Class-Default ebuild)
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mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/dev-perl/Class-Handle/files cp /usr/portage/dev-perl/Class-Default/Class-Default-1.3.ebuild /usr/local/portage/dev-perl/Class-Handle/Class-Handle-1.03.ebuild ebuild /usr/local/portage/dev-perl/Class-Handle/Class-Handle-1.03.ebuild fetch ebuild /usr/local/portage/dev-perl/Class-Handle/Class-Handle-1.03.ebuild digest emerge Class-Handle
now the perl reqs should be met
go through the setup, set admin pass and write main.conf
now do some protecting:
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chmod -x <yourdocroot>/cvsmonitor/setup.pl chown root <yourdocroot>/cvsmonitor
now go and add a repository, and some modules using cvsmonitor admin