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History: List of all code contributors

Preview of version: 3

Lits of people that have commit access:

Commit stats are updated with each release at:

As of 2008-08-11

  1. ace_mtp
  2. afahlvik
  3. agorski
  4. aigarius
  5. alain_desilets
  6. alex_freire
  7. amette
  8. aneuhaus
  9. ang23
  10. anope
  11. as6o
  12. atooni
  13. aurel42
  14. avdwheel
  15. avgasse
  16. awcolley
  17. awolfff
  18. axonrg
  19. bburgaud
  20. benjf
  21. berryweb
  22. beuc
  23. bligneri
  24. bluestrain
  25. brab
  26. brian_moore
  27. broubrou
  28. btodoroff
  29. caustin_ats
  30. cbowman
  31. cdx
  32. cfreeze
  33. chealer
  34. chibaguy
  35. chriscramer
  36. chris_holman
  37. colinmo
  38. coloradoweb
  39. connermo
  40. cyantree
  41. dabright
  42. damienmckenna
  43. damosoft / parkercroft
  44. darzee
  45. dcengija
  46. deragon
  47. dgdaniels
  48. dheltzel
  49. dimaz-z
  50. dim_m
  51. djnz
  52. dmytro
  53. docekal
  54. drieschner
  55. epolidor
  56. etuate
  57. evanprodromou
  58. fhcorrea
  59. filmil
  60. florianlink
  61. fmathias
  62. fmjrey
  63. fmk_ca
  64. franck
  65. frank_p
  66. freevic
  67. fr_rodo
  68. fukuchi
  69. fumphco
  70. garfield-sf
  71. garygriffin
  72. gene203
  73. georger_br
  74. gertdewit
  75. ggeller
  76. gillesm
  77. gilshwartz
  78. gimpster
  79. giottomx
  80. gmuslera
  81. gongo
  82. gravesweeper
  83. gregmartin
  84. gspira
  85. guideweb
  86. guidoscherp
  87. gunnarre
  88. halon
  89. hangerman
  90. hartsa1
  91. hsaelens
  92. ice8878
  93. illori
  94. ingesol
  95. isotopp
  96. jasondiceman
  97. jaw959
  98. jburleyebuilt
  99. jcwinnie
  100. jdrexler
  101. jeanhabib
  102. jenolan1701
  103. jjolly
  104. jjongsma
  105. jkring
  106. jmaspons
  107. jmjuzan
  108. joeyhartmann
  109. johan_mx
  110. jonnybradley
  111. jorgercosta
  112. josefgc
  113. jpgimenez
  114. jreyesg
  115. jwigdahl
  116. jyhem
  117. k2s
  118. karneevor
  119. kerrnel22
  120. kokohuyb
  121. koobla
  122. ksumacgyver
  123. kyori
  124. lack
  125. laetzer
  126. lechuckdapirate
  127. leyan
  128. lfagundes
  129. lihaowei2008
  130. lmoss
  131. lnewby
  132. lorfds
  133. lphuberdeau
  134. lrargerich
  135. luciash
  136. lueders
  137. m_akat
  138. makenai
  139. marcius
  140. marclaporte
  141. marcmont
  142. marcoaasilva
  143. markusvk
  144. marylly
  145. mashmorgan
  146. mbrackeva
  147. mcfarland
  148. mchurch
  149. melmut
  150. mhausi
  151. michael_davey
  152. mikelcu
  153. mikespub
  154. mitchmurphy
  155. mlinton
  156. moresun
  157. mose
  158. m_stef
  159. musus
  160. mystic_ca
  161. nhuffschmid
  162. niclone
  163. nikchankov
  164. nkoth
  165. ntavares
  166. nyloth
  167. ohertel
  168. orionrobots
  169. panathos
  170. papercrane
  171. patvdv
  172. penny336
  173. philwhipps
  174. pippone
  175. pkdille
  176. pmichelazzo
  177. popovich
  178. princessxine
  179. pyrotknix
  180. rabiddog
  181. ragnvald
  182. rbschmidt
  183. rcogley
  184. redflo
  185. rhwinter
  186. ricks99
  187. rischconsulting
  188. rleibman
  189. rlpowell
  190. rossta
  191. roysinn
  192. runix2
  193. russwilde
  194. rv540
  195. sabdelma
  196. sampaioprimo
  197. sept_7
  198. shiroitenshi
  199. spiderr
  200. squee-d
  201. stuartd
  202. swillie
  203. sylvieg
  204. techtonik
  205. teedog
  206. telenieko
  207. thenano
  208. tibistibi
  209. tna
  210. toggg
  211. tombombadilom
  212. traivor
  213. troworld
  214. uid138927
  215. uiprncss
  216. vinsz
  217. vulgrin
  218. wesleywillians
  219. wings-of-glory
  220. wolff_borg
  221. xaman
  222. xavidp
  223. xenfasa
  224. xeno_tt
  225. yonixxx
  226. yuzhenxin
  227. zaufi
  228. zcecil
  229. zibas


List of code contributors


Information Version
Marc Laporte 15
Marc Laporte 14
Marc Laporte 13
Nelson Ko 12
Nelson Ko 11
Marc Laporte 10
Marc Laporte 9
Marc Laporte an update 8
Marc Laporte 7
Marc Laporte 6
Marc Laporte 5
Marc Laporte copy-pasting here for search engines 4
Marc Laporte 3
Marc Laporte 2
Marc Laporte 1