History: PluginCategory
Preview of version: 12
The CATEGORY plugin will display a bulleted list of categories and items in those categories. Options let you decide what level of category, what types of objects to list, how they should be sorted, whether to display items in subcategories, and whether multiple categories displays should be split.
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{CATEGORY( id=>1+2+3, # defaults to current types=>article+blog+faq+fgal+igal+newsletter+poll+quiz+survey+tracker+wiki # list of types of objects, default * (all), sort=>[type|created|name|hits]_[asc|desc] # default name_asc, sub=>true|false # display items of subcategories, default is 'true'; split=>true|false # when displaying multiple categories, whether they # should be split or not; defaults to yes )} {CATEGORY}
Category: community
Category: community
Category: Category & Navigation
Category: WikiPlugins
Category: Category & Navigation
Category: WikiPlugins
Category: Category & Navigation
Category: WikiPlugins
How to Determine a Category ID
(short of guessing)
Browse the categories, hover over a category item, and look at the browser's status bar.
Category: Category & Navigation
expands to
Category & Navigation
- Category plugin discussion on dev list
- The Category plugin requires category IDs. The category browser doesn't display category IDs.