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How to Host Multiple Tikiwiki's on a Single ))RedHat(( System.
by George Geller
General instructions for installing multiple tikis on a single server are at InstallVirtualHosting.
Here I show one way to install multiple tikis on a ))RedHat(( Linux server
when you have root access. I assume that you already have apache, php
and mysql all working on your system. If you installed the correct
))RedHat(( packages and didn't change the configuration files too much,
these programs should be working. I've had success with this approach
on ))RedHat8,RedHat(( 9 and Yellow Dog 3.0.
In this example I go through the steps to create threee working tikis on
my machine and give a few pointers in the process. I will be
specific, rather than general, concrete, rather than abstract. If
your setup is different you'll have to adapt the instructions.
I illustrate how to set up three tikis: public.wikiplanet.com,
member.wikiplanet.com and staff.wikiplanet.com.
Each tiki instance will need a seperate database in mysql. Tiki also
needs a mysql user that has the correct permissions to manipulate the
databases. The names of the databases don't matter to mysql, but I
have adopted a convention where I always use a prefix of tiki_ for the
database name. So for my three tikis, the corresponding databases
will be: tiki_public, tiki_member and tiki_staff. I create a single
mysql user, 'tiki', that will have access to all tiki databases.
# mysqladmin -uroot -p create tiki_public # mysqladmin -uroot -p create tiki_member # mysqladmin -uroot -p create tiki_staff
# mysql -uroot -p mysql> USE mysql; mysql> GRANT USAGE ON * . * TO "tiki"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "password"; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `tiki_public` . * TO "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON `tiki_public` . * FROM "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `tiki_member` . * TO "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON `tiki_member` . * FROM "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `tiki_staff` . * TO "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> REVOKE GRANT OPTION ON `tiki_staff` . * FROM "tiki"@"localhost"; mysql> exit
Next I edit /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf so that apache will know where to look for the tikis.
I changed ))DocumentRoot(( to /www because I am a lazy typist. By default is /var/www/html.
There are two lines in httpd.conf that you will need to change:
))DocumentRoot(( "/www"
and 25 lines further down:
<Directory "/www">
You can change them, or you leave them and adjust the rest of these instructions accordingly.
Further down, find the line with ))NameVirtualHost(( and change it to:
))NameVirtualHost(( *:80
At the end of the httpd.conf, add stanzas for your three tikis:
<VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@wikiplanet.com DocumentRoot /www/public.wikiplanet.com ServerName public.wikiplanet.com ErrorLog logs/public.wikiplanet.com-error_log CustomLog logs/public.wikiplanet.com-access_log common </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@wikiplanet.com DocumentRoot /www/member.wikiplanet.com ServerName member.wikiplanet.com ErrorLog logs/member.wikiplanet.com-error_log CustomLog logs/member.wikiplanet.com-access_log common </VirtualHost> <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin webmaster@wikiplanet.com DocumentRoot /www/staff.wikiplanet.com ServerName staff.wikiplanet.com ErrorLog logs/staff.wikiplanet.com-error_log CustomLog logs/staff.wikiplanet.com-access_log common </VirtualHost>
Restart your web server.
# apachectl graceful
Don't worry about the warnings that the directories don't exist, we're going to make them next.
Get a distribution of Tikiwiki from sourceforge.net. Unpack it and make the soft links.
I used tikiwiki-1.8.RC2.tar.bz2.
# cd /www # tar -xvjf tikiwiki-1.8.RC2.tar.bz2 # ln -s tikiwiki-1.8.RC2 public.wikiplanet.com # ln -s tikiwiki-1.8.RC2 member.wikiplanet.com # ln -s tikiwiki-1.8.RC2 staff.wikiplanet.com
Now you need to edit tiki's db/local.php.
# cd /www/tikiwiki-1.8.RC2/db
Edit local.php. Mine reads:
<?php $host_tiki="localhost"; $user_tiki="tiki"; $pass_tiki="secret"; $db_tiki = 'mysql'; $dbversion_tiki="1.8"; if ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "public.wikiplanet.com") { $dbs_tiki = "tiki_public"; $tikidomain = "public.wikiplanet.com"; } elseif ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "member.wikiplanet.com") { $dbs_tiki = "tiki_member"; $tikidomain = "member.wikiplanet.com"; } elseif ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] == "staff.wikiplanet.com") { $dbs_tiki = "tiki_staff"; $tikidomain = "staff.wikiplanet.com"; } else { // default case, your choice is to block or open to a default domain } ?>
Set up the files and directories for tiki:
# cd /www/tikiwiki-1.8.RC2 # ./setup.sh apache apache 02755 public.wikiplanet.com member.wikiplanet.com staff.wikiplanet.com # chown apache:apache *.php .
Next we need to point our browser to the new wikis. You must have dns working correctly, or you can edit /etc/hosts. In my case dns works, so I point Mozilla to: http://public.wikiplanet.com/tiki-install.php and run the install script. Do not choose to "remove" tiki-install.php yet! Repeat the procedure for the other two tiki's: member and staff. In the final case, "remove" the install script.
That's all. Login to the tikis as admin and configure them.
Feel free to edit this page or add comments. - George Geller