History: ReleaseProcess172
Preview of version: 68 (current)
Released on October 1st, 2003
- ReleaseNotes172
The following notes are kept for archive only, and should not be modified (unless there is something missing from the changelog).
1.7.2 bugfix release process
The branch release_eta_carinea_rc1 (so badly named 😡) is now the CVS branch for 1.7.x. Note that the 1.7.x branch is strictly for bugfixes. All new features and changes must be committed to CVS HEAD and not the release_eta_carinea_rc1 branch. Fixes committed to the 1.7.x branch will be merged into HEAD if not there yet.
When fixing bugs, fix the bug on release_eta_carinea_rc1 then, if you run a local copy of CVS HEAD too, it's prefered when you make the related code change (bugfix) for HEAD as well and you can add "NO MERGE NEEDED" note to your log. Otherwise just merge with HEAD. Follow the instructions at the bottom of TikiCVSTags to merge.
Developers, please update this page whenever you resolve a bug in this branch. If you need help with CVS, read Cvs17.
If you are not a developer but would like to help test the latest 1.7.2 code, download the following archive, updated every 8 hours from CVS:
Unresolved bugs or misbehavior
(italicized items probably will not be addressed in 1.7.2; that doesn't mean you cannot tackle them though)
- one sometimes (rarely) sees modules and module links that belong to another user viewing the site at the same moment
- changes to modules and admin settings sometimes require a page reload to appear
- left/center column sometimes takes up width of the screen: it occurs randomly
- the quiz feature may exhibit strange behaviour
- the chatroom sometimes causes browser to continue to refresh even after leaving
- the site search function may give errors with Chinese or other Asian characters - fixed? (unconfirmed, who fixed this?)
- the "Go Back" link on error pages sometimes fails in IE (after a POST or GET to same file)
- various theme problems with different browsers
- tiki-user cookie logs user into all Tiki sites running under the same domain if user has same username/password
- installer does not take into account PHP safe_mode <-- can this be done? ini_get() doesn't seem to get the safe_mode value
- Tiki running in Windows (and specifically IIS?) generate links that have an erroneous "/" before the URL parameter: ex. tiki-browse_image.php/?imageId=2
- comment hash is title+content, making it impossible to post 2 comments with the same title and content, an uncommon but certainly possible and legitimate situation (which happened to me, luci 😉)
- numerous IIS problems; should make use of these workarounds: IisWorkarounds
- various occurrences of "page 1/0" (harmless)
- Category: two object types have the same name
- wiki plugins (e.g. {BOX}, {SPLIT}) do ignore "end of line" character in the content and do not convert it to "<br />" (cause displaying the block of text on one line)
- Please see Source Forge for more possible bugs
Resolved bugs and misbehavior since 1.7.1(.1)
- fixed wrong link to images in tiki-image_galleries_rss (.php.php)
- languages: de fixes (ohertel), cz (luci), fr (sylvie), nl (patvdv), sp (gmuslera) updated
- fixed SSL login problems (terence)
- fixed undefined variable in some cases on tiki-user_information.php (terence)
- allow admin to dump the wiki in plain html without ccreating a tar file, as the tar file seems to get corrupted in some cases (terence)
- select the next larger scale in image galleries instead of always using the largest one possible (gimpster)
- the description were ignored when batch uploading images in a zipfile, the description now applies to all the images in the batch (gimpster)
- fixed problem with "Gallery is visible to non-admin users" checkbox being stuck on y in tiki-galleries.php (mitchmurphy)
- fixed problem with galleries not being visible to users with tiki_p_admin_galleries set in tikilib.php (mitchmurphy)
- fixed problem with IIS where multiple zero length files were being created (Jenolan)
- fixed Problem with large files in the file gallery causing memory exhaustion (Jenolan)
- fixed Categories keep a forum listed after it's deletion (dcengija)
- fixed Wiki : Renaming page loses comments (dcengija)
- fixed Directory: "<textarea>" in description (dcengija)
- fixed Wrong URL in print view (dcengija)
- fixed Unexpected display for non-English characters in history (dcengija)
- fixed forumID missing in link to discuss wiki page (dcengija)
- fixed Modules: Random Poll poll Broken and Can't "launch" a poll (mchurch)
- fixed Images getting replaced (mchurch)
- fixed bad HTML generation for all the RSS based menu (lib/tikilib.php) (bligneri)
- fixed User preference Email is Public doesnt work (markusvk)
- fixed Directory: bad link in multi-page links directly (luci)
- fixed the bug, where mini calendar was displayed broken with non-ascii characters used in translation of months and days (fixed in mini calendar and wiki abbreviation - probably still some missing) (sylvie?)
- fixed a small bug in the mozilla theme (mozilla.css) (box header background)
- fixed innaccurate comment preview. (Traivor)
- fixed Directory in Konqueror - thanks to jeb (luci)
- fixed
wiki-plugin to produce non-parsed section instead of pre-parsed if parameternp
given (zaufi) - fixed (disable)
wiki-plugin cache usage to avoid plugin parameters ingorance (zaufi) - fixed
wiki-plugin behaviour: disallow wiki parsing of plugin output to keep good looking of categories lists (zaufi) - define CSS styles for Articles and FAQs for 'Notheme' series + some fixes of existed styles
- fixed Description of categories not shown while browsing (luci)
- fixed server variable used to build urls in tikilib - replaced SERVER_NAME by HTTP_HOST in httpPrefix() function (mose)
- fixed article topic entry to not require an image to be uploaded (dheltzel)
- added new article type called 'Event', that treats publication date as the expiration date (dheltzel)
- fixed User Admin: cannot reset unknown password admin user can now change any other user's password from inside tiki (used to require executing a SQL update statement) (dheltzel)
- fixed session handling and deactivated link jingle in hawiki.inc (hawhaw lib) (nhuffschmid)
- fixed Wiki: "((page|desc))" in table renders as column delimiter (luci)
- removed heavy galaxia (auto-generated) docs from tikiwiki package (mose)
(please update this list)