History: ReleaseProcess193
Preview of version: 77
Release Process 1.9.3
Release manager: ohertel, support: Marc Laporte was released on 04/30/2006
Bugs fixed
- PHP Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in /lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php on line 2797 - ohertel
- basic profile: Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 23 of 27 bytes in /tikiwiki-1.9.3/tiki-modules.php on line 67 - ohertel
- MD5 values for tiki secdb - ohertel
- What-you-see-is-what-you-can-access fix: a not accessable feature is hidden - marclaporte
- trackers: get the right number of items - sylvie
- update fr translation - sylvie
- trackers: give the possibility to move the fields more than 1 step - sylvie
- another crosslink feature -> documentation - marclaporte
- default_wiki_diff_style: minsidediff - marclaporte
- some features disabled by default: feature_wiki_export, feature_galleries, feature_help, feature_multilingual, feature_user_watches_translations, feature_dump, feature_view_tpl - marclaporte
1.9.3 was released on 04/29/2006
Note: this list is incomplete yet. We're still digging the cvs history.
Bugs fixed
- fix of multiple layout and translation issues - various authors
- '... but need admin validation:' must work even if 'Validate users by email:' is not checked - sylvie
- admin user: multiple actions on a page other than the first one - sylvie
- article: category kept at approval - sylvie
- blog: blog pagination - sylvie
- blog: find now finds also in post title - sylvie
- blog: reset blog activity if activity too old at each blog post - sylvie
- bookmark: replace split space in link with <br /> - sylvie
- category: anon can edit categorized pages - redflo
- category: browse category on image show up images - sylvie
- category: display category name for a deep category browse - sylvie
- cleanups for php 5 compatibility - various authors
- comment: all comments shown after a post - sylvie
- forum: new post subject set after a post - sylvie
- gallery: check object perm - sylvie
- group: a non admin user can also assign a user to one of his groups if he has tiki_p_admin_users - sylvie
- group: can use username or groupname with the character & in assign group - sylvie
- group: respect perm in tiki_p_admin_user and not tiki_p_admin on multiple actions in admin user - sylvie
- image: current gallery selected in the gallery choice - sylvie
- image: system gallery images are not shown in last_images modules if no gallery is selected - sylvie
- jscalendar: spanish utf8 calendar - sylvie
- login: user home page considered at login - sylvie
- module since_last_visit_new: faqs are displayed - sylvie
- module since_last_visit_new: fix list index unknown for a comment in image gallery - sylvie
- multilingual: switch lang on default homepage (+bl param with value) - sylvie
- neat.css: upload image in a page - sylvie
- newsletter: cleanup outgoing newsletter templates - marclaporte
- newsletter: more perm checking on archived newsletters - sylvie
- parsing: to be able to have plugin param with a & - sylvie
- plugin article: respect perms - sylvie
- plugin wantedpages: accept site settings for dashes in WikiWords. Possible filtering of output to get rid of "rubbish page names" - markusvk
- prefer get_user_default_homepage to get_user_preference homePage - ang23
- quiz: avoid some notices if store quiz results on + error if attachment empty - (sylvie)
- search: do no search if no search words are given - sylvie
- securing adodb for postgres - mose
- setup.sh: Use filesystem acls instead of sgid or 777 mode is much more safe - redflo
- template: anon can view/edit templates - ohertel
- template: can edit in some case + can save only for the style - sylvie
- tiki search: include wiki page name like in fulltext search and the file data extracted by the command associated to the type - sylvie
- tiki search: when refreshing fix an undefined dcslib + attach warning - sylvie
- tracker plugin: category - sylvie
- tracker plugin: highlight name of fields with error - sylvie
- tracker: better support for special character or string (ex: xml) in textarea field - sylvie
- tracker: mandatory category - sylvie
- tracker: fix notification message header for gmail server for long update notif and comment notificaton - sylvie
- tracker: fixed bugged for () loop that prevented non-admin users from updating certain fields values - lorfds
- tracker: image in tracker plugin - sylvie
- tracker: main item value displayed in the window title - sylvie
- tracker: mandatory fields in trackers - rv540
- tracker: sort the country names in a country field - sylvie
- tracker: to be able to have 2 category fields in a tracker - sylvie
- user: admin can change prefs of the third tab - sylvie
- user: batch load can not add a user to a group the current user has if only tiki_p_admin_user and not tiki_p_admin perm is set - sylvie
- wiki: backlink: respect perms - sylvie
- wiki: don't show edit buttom if looking at a user page of another user - sylvie
- wiki: don't show the edit buttom when looking at another user's userpage - sylvie
- wiki: download wiki file respects individual perms on a page - sylvie
- wiki: force server readable perm for img upload - sylvie
- wiki: highlight name of fields with error - sylvie
- wiki: if 'display the title' is on and breadcrumb feature off, the title must be displayed - sylvie
- wiki: if ask for a userpage is not yet created go to tiki-editpage instead of displaying an invalid page - sylvie
- wiki: likepage: respect perms - sylvie
- wiki: page creators are admin of their pages + tiki_p_admin_wiki back for editpage - sylvie
- wiki: watch on 'page change' works again - ohertel
- wiki: the page named UserPage redirects to the user's UserPage if possible - sylvie
- wiki: wiki discussion now redirects to the same thread for 2 users with different languages - sylvie
- xhtml: <br/> transformed into <br /> - damian
Enhancements / Modifications
[-]- added ® to special character table - sylvie
- added link to evaluation of each feature to inform about maturity of features - ohertel
- CAS: note about a required lib installtion on admin/login - ohertel
- cleanup and improvement of robots.txt - various authors
- groups/permissions: 'levels' hidden by default - ohertel
- groups/permissions: show all permissions by default - marclaporte
- install: added some notes to the installation page tiki-install about memory reqirements and more ohertel
- lang: nearly complete finnish translation - hartsa1
- lang: several updates to de/ca/fr - ohertel / xavidp / sylvie / jmaspons
- many new 'tip' boxed on several pages - marclaporte / ohertel
- mods: hacked to allow chmodding files to 644 on servers with suphp security installed (for instance: ourproject.org, where edu.tw.o is installed) - xavidp
- most admin pages are accessable from tiki-admin.php now - marclaporte / ohertel
- note in tiki-backup section that it's better to use mysqldump or phpmyadmin - ohertel
- param my to last_image_galleries module to limit the user's gallery - sylvie
- removing users from groups -> directly from user listing. dev.two #503 - marclaporte
- tracker: a button to increment the field position from a field to the end - sylvie
- tracker: added tracker filter for category plugin - mose
- wiki: page renames are monitored with watch on page change - ohertel
New features
[-]- calendar: RSS feed for upcoming events from calendar: tiki-calendars_rss.php?ver=2 - ohertel
- intertiki: use the user db of one tiki for several tiki installations - mose
- perl script to recover wiki data from google cache in case you lose data - lfagundes
- plugin: html tag plugin TAG - sylvie
- smarty: simple smarty plugin function.count.php for return the count of a var - mose
- switchlang param in the url changes the language - sylvie
- wiki: new table of contents, wikipedia style:
- wiki: search & replace feature - sampaioprimo
adminstration / release management stuff:
This rollback concerns:
- article: html article not shown in preview / bug with np - DONE! - SQL error
- html in blog not interpreted