History: ReleaseProcess19DR4
Preview of version: 9 (current)
Release 1.9 DR 4
Release April 7th 2005
[-]- Calendar on a new database doesn't work. The columns are missing in the db creation from scratch. You can enter the 2 queries following or run tiki_1.8to1_9.sql script
Copy to clipboardALTER TABLE `tiki_calendar_items` ADD `nlId` INT( 12 ) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL AFTER `categoryId` ; ALTER TABLE `tiki_calendars` ADD `customsubscription` ENUM('n','y') DEFAULT 'n' NOT NULL AFTER `customparticipants` ;
License Issues Resolved
[-]- BlueMetal moved to mods.tiki.org Damian
- GreenMetal moved to mods.tiki.org Damian
- RedMetal moved to mods.tiki.org Damian
- PurpleMetal moved to mods.tiki.org Damian
[-]- Added .htaccess files to most directories to disallow direct access ohertel
- Remove file from temp after upload ohertel, thanks to OrionRobots
- More secure map uploads Franck
Bugs Fixed
[-]- moved wikigraph to mods ang
- fixed display of list gallery mose
- fixed find function in newlestter list of subscribers mose
- fixed newsletter sending mose
- rename page with a name containing space adds parentheses around name in other pages sylvie
- link in the register message is encoded for username with accent sylvie
- remove structure with all the pages does remove page if no permission sylvie
- article publish/experitation date must be filled up if article displayed only between these dates (even if these dates are not displayed) sylvie
- page modules with a pagename with special characters (ex: C++) sylvie
- fixed autosubmission for articles with a too long titles and special characters sylvie
- edit article entry is no more displayed if submission article is on sylvie
- fixed number od comments for the last comments module used in a wiki page sylvie
- wiki page changed notification used the current page version sylvie
- wikiwords can have multibyte characters (but also needs 2 capitals A-Z sylvie
- fixed numbering first line glitch in code plugin mose
- MultiTiki sites can have there own favicon, in styles/$tikidomain mose
- fixed the display of types of perms and added a groups menu in assign perms mose
- Luxemburg flag sylvie
- can create a page with a & sylvie
- fix slideshow for a pagename with special characters sylvie
- a module can be used 2 times in a same page with different parameters sylvie
- newsletter / page chosen template stays checked sylvie
- remind title / data if you forget to fill up both in forum sylvie
- removed last html code from categlib mose
- a non admin user can see the file gal he creates sylvie
- aPageName is not recognized as a backlink sylvie
- update categ and perm list if a forum is deleted sylvie
- aPageName was recognized as a backlink of PageName sylvie
- update categ & perm if a forum is deleted sylvie
- group homepage for a user belonging to several groups sylvie
- maketoc on the first page of a multipage sylvie
- isPublic don't affect the fieds displayed in tracker view page sylvie
- tiki-listpages has now another filter on wikipagename initial ang
- day name in French for jscalendar popup sylvie
- ite language in user perf for monolingual site sylvie
- fix the date/number appearing in the ranking functions sylvie
- separator option close a menu section sylvie
- minor change and last_modif_pages module sylvie
- switch lang for anonymous change page lang (if best language activated) sylvie
- definition list with external link sylvie
- user email not public by default sylvie
- hotword with quote - hotword following a quote sylvie
- wrong parsing of ((WikiWord))((AnotherOne)) ohertel
- fixed exploding pages bug for CODE plugin and img/picture quicktags for tikineat.css theme, documented solution for theme designers mdavey
- SF BUG #1108572: tiki-user_preferences.php not saving users Message settings
- SF BUG #1083307: user_preferences defaults not applied. All emails exposed ohertel
- message list did use maxRecords instead of mess_maxRecords ohertel
- drawing in wikis (JgraphPad) works again: path to images fixed toggg
- charts: tiki_p_suggest_chart_item enables charts items yoni+toggg
- quicktags for the newletter content sylvie
- the section is set as a class of the BODY to easy customisation as tiki_<section> sylvie
- additional param hideimgname and hidelink for randow img module sylvie
- css cleaning: pages are supposed to have a h1 as title and h2, h3 .. sylvie
- articles are displayed event if the creator/modifior doesn't exist anyore sylvie
- can sent to anonymous in message broadcast sylvie
- username can be begin with an accentuated letter sylvie
- an error message when a newsletter can't be sent to an email sylvie
- fix webmail with the new mime lib sylvie
- clean the modules cache if an menu option chages sylvie
- the letters in IE bottom status bar doesn't appear anymore
- fix broken pagination in forum thread sylvie
- group calendar event displayed in day view if begins before 10 sylvie
- a user can modify trackers even if he has his user tracker set sylvie
- moreneat style keeps size in a split sylvie
- avatars are limited to 45x45 even in the user popup sylvie
- library avatars shown in the user popup sylvie
- multiple {toc with differing arguments, in single page mdavey
- fixed priority bug in messages - when replying it was always set to lowest luci
- fixed js toggle - e.g. the since_last_visit_new module and debugger console stays closed when it was re-opening after page reload luci
- fixed anonymous anti-bot code check by moving it out of commented part of php code so it works now luci
- SF Bug #1095239: Two times same word display (list newsletters) ohertel
- SF Bug #1170596: Browse directory button on Browse page (browse directories) ohertel
- SF Bug #982970: "phantom" games upon installation ohertel
- SF Bug #1170608: Unwished list of cool sites - cool sites can get switched off now in admin menu ohertel
- SF Bug #1151923: Blog RSS Feed Shows Blog Name Repeatedly - changed blogtitle to title ohertel
- SF Bug #1116551: structure alias name not used in ohertel
- no more double image insert in wiki image insert sylvie
- to be able to delete a user with a & in the name sylvie
- fix user CSV import sylvie
- fix batch remove users sylvie
- fix articles shown in mod-articles in perm on them sylvie
- fix file icon in image galleries if uppercase extension ((sylvie)
- article categ shown for admin sylvie
- reintroduce some comment post perms / forum post perm sylvie
- status switch buttoms not displayed in view tracker is status is not displayed sylvie
- displays the status in view tracker if status on even if only one status shown sylvie
- fix for the parsing of recursive plugins toggg
New Features
[-]- TikiProject damian
- new module: mod-last_images (use parameter galleryId=>x for images from the gallery only) - latest images ohertel
- new module: mod-last_images_th (use parameter galleryId=>x for images from the gallery only) - thumbnails of latest images ohertel
- TikiMaps: the community map, create a layer with all the positions from the user preferences Franck
- TikiMaps: Create a layer from geographic image galleries Franck
- TikiMaps: View system, from a mapfile METADATA you can create map views for direct zooming tna
- Tiki Mods installer : new item under admin menu, Package admin, make possible to install, and remove mods packages mose
- Added an optional validation step for user registration mose
- Discard_t_end in mail-in sylvie
- New perm tiki_p_admin_users sylvie
- Calendar event can be view and edit in user local timezone sylvie
- A user can always edit his own comment sylvie
- Personal calendar in the user calendar sylvie
- A user module can be wiki parsed or not sylvie
- SF RFE #946590: Sent box for user messages ohertel
- SF RFE #716822: link from sent messages to available replies ohertel
- link from replied back to replied message ohertel
- user can enable "send read status to author" in user preferences ohertel
- auto-archiving of read mails after x days (configurable ob user prefs) ohertel
- Archive for user messages, helpful if you dont want to delete your messages but get them out of the way to speed up the message checking etc ohertel
- Admin can set limits for the user mailbox and the user message archive in admin / login, there is a percentage bar that shows how much space is already occupied; users with full mailboxes wont get any more mail ohertel
- new module: mod-last_actions to display users last actions (or all actions if current user is admin) ohertel
- new plugin: {RSS(id=>feedId,max=>5,date=>1,desc=>1,author=>1)}{RSS} ohertel
- Image galleries: Search box for image name / description on browse gallery page ohertel
- group calendar respects timezone sylvie
- group calendar list view sylvie
- group calendar event view sylvie
- some check about group calendar creation (respect start < end, format ...) sylvie
- group calendar date navigation bar sylvie
- group calendar event end can be defined by a duration sylvie
- group calendar event descriptions are wiki persed sylvie
- group calendar evetns can have a sticky popup sylvie
- a group or a user can be directly subscribed in the newsletter - the emails list is refreshed at sending tile sylvie
- newsletter archive sylvie
- change_password new perm sylvie
- batch images upload (6 at a time) sylvie
- a newsletter can use a smarty template defined in templates/newsletters sylvie
- can specify a usemap in image wiki tag sylvie
- display category description in category browsing if available sylvie
- new LSDIR plugin can list files in a directory with many options for display terence
- new QUOTE plugin resembles the quote bbcode terence
- new option to use QUOTE plugin by default when replying to forum posts, comments and user messages terence
- new option to display the page_id as a hyperlink under the page title terence
- new option to force to go in group homepage not only from the default homepage sylvie
- csv import for group calendar
[-]- now use the Admin->Menu based application menu rather than the .tpl Damian
- a module can be displayed only for some languages sylvie
- TikiMaps: Can handle non square maps tna
- Simple style updated luci
- added direct link to display poll's comments luci
- a message is sent if the page doesn't exist in a mailin wiki-get sylvie
- check the mailin pop3 account before saving it in the database sylvie
- img in wiki syntax can have a alt parameter sylvie
- forum post area displays quicktags if wiki syntax allowed sylvie
- mod_articles param topic=topic_name sylvie
- user pref page title shows the username sylvie
- register subject in a template sylvie
- HTML comments either removed or changed to smarty ones Damian
(preserves bandwidth, they do mount up!) - Updates to English British language file Damian
(better wording on tips) - enhanced the quick_edit module with 3 parameters : module_title, categId, submit, size, heading and templateId mose
- added optional taking in account of a categId param in editpage mose
- improved article plugin : it takes the Id of last article when no Id is given mose
- Additional parameter to last_modif_page module: minor=y to see minor changes sylvie
- Added optional sort order in image galleries, as well as sub-galleries redflo
- New optional "side-by-side" diff report style that resembles Wikipedia's diff style (terence)(sylvie)
- Different styles added in Wiki history + diff between arbritary versions sylvie
- Tidy up some waste code in tikilib.php Damian
- a mail-in pop3 account must be valid before been saved sylvie
- PluginModule's np parameter defaults to 1 (enable). Existing uses of PluginModule without np set should see the output change, but it's unlikely that this will have undesired effects. sylvie
- can choice email enf of line CRLF / LF sylvie
- implemented the sticky tracker item : if a fieldname is page, it is used as a filter on trackerlist wikiplugin and automaticaly fed in tracker wikiplugin mose
- new (experimental) referal search functionality, see SearchDev - mdavey
- Patch#1093839 Wiki says "page not found" if query string is "?page=" mdavey
- styles transitions: support for older stylesheets on v1.9
- modules can be shaded or have their decorations suppressed - mdavey
- plugin PluginTitlesearch: additional parameter style=>list for reducing the output to a comma separated list ohertel
- module mod-last_articles: additional parameters for filtering articles ohertel
- initial work for RFE#918526 Search wiki page name module should use real search mdavey
- RFE#828048 Wiki : Add a "View Source" option mdavey
- Fancy TOC mdavey
- DIV plugin got ability to float left or right luci
- enhanced ((page|desc)) syntax: ((page|)) (no characters after |) will yield "page: page's description" terence
- image galleries batch upload from directory: switch for "create sub galleries from sub directory names", means: when uploading images dirname/*.jpg, the images may go to a sub gallery 'dirname'. preferences for the new galleries are taken from the parent gallery ohertel
- image galleries batch upload from directory: switch for "remove file extension" from image name in 'name field' ohertel
- image galleries batch upload from directory: switch for "use sub dir name as file description" ohertel
- image galleries batch upload from directory: works on subdirectories now ohertel
- image galleries: image popup windows have "slideshow" buttons now (back and forward) ohertel
New CSS Classes
[-]- wiki diff styles : .diff, .diffheader,.diffbody,.diffdeleted, .diffadded, .diffchar
- site identity styles : .sitelocbar, .sitenavbar, .sitelogo, .sitead, .sitesearchbar, .description, .crumblink
- admin remarks box styles : .rbox, .rbox-title, .rbox-data, .rbox-title[name="warning"], .rbox-title[name="note"], .rbox-title[name="tip"], .rbox-title[name="comment"], .rbox-data[name="warning"], .rbox-data[name="note"], .rbox-data[name="tip"], .rbox-data[name="comment"] - will eventually be used for a wiki plugin, too.
- (module) box styles : table.box-title, span.box-titletext, a.flipmodtitle, img.flipmodimage, div.box-data now has unique id also.
- a.tikihelp : new attribute: vertical-align: text-top;
- {toc} : .fancytoclevel
[-]please contact these people before a RC is made so they can commit any last minute modifications/updates
- New Jukebox - Damian
- New Homework george.geller
- Enhanced Quizzes george.geller (bug 983907 mentions specific unfinished stuff)
- New "My Workflow" tab in "My Tiki". Shows the processes a user started + user activities. Needs sorting + pagination to be added halon
- Charset/encoding + language in the mail sent to the user are function of his preferences sylvie + correct utf8 mail header encoding
- TikiMaps: Layer Grouping tna
- FeatureUsability - sundry usability improvements - mdavey
- experimental feature_referer_highlight - mdavey