History: RssFeedDev
Preview of version: 16
RSS feeds are RDF Site Summaries (RSS). They give an overview of latest items of specified data:
Tiki has RSS feeds for
You can find the feeds at the bottom bar if it is switched on in admin menu. Another example of an rss feed: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/xml/rss.xml.
Output is XML data in one of the following formats:
- RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 (fixed for Tiki 1.7.1)
- RDF Site Summary (RSS) 2.0 (introduced with Tiki 1.8)
- RSS 2.0 with attached stylesheet for display in browsers (introduced with Tiki 1.8)
You can configure the ouput in Admin (Click!) / RSS.
tiki-wiki_rss.php results in default RDF 2.0 output
tiki-wiki_rss.php?ver=1 results in RDF 1.0 output
tiki-wiki_rss.php?ver=2&css=y results in RDF 2.0 output with attached stylesheet for better display in browsers
Other things that you can configure there:
- Switch a single feed on/off
- Set number of entries for each feed
- Language tag for RDF output (eg en-us, de-de ...)
- Publisher (RDF 1.0 only)
- Creator (RDF 1.0 only)
- Editor (RDF 2.0 only)
- Webmaster (RDF 2.0 only)
- tiki rss feeds: Most of the rss feeds sourcecode is identical. Feeds should be only very small files defining some variables and then call a unique rss output generator.
- tiki rss feeds: Some things are hardcoded at the moment (language, included image etc.). Make them configurable. - fixed for 1.8 UserPageohertel
- external rss feeds: Most TikiWiki styles don't render RSS newsfeeds very well. The bullet is lost and the items are smooshed together, making it difficult to tell where one item ends and the next begins.
{SF(aid=>793427,tag=>rfe)}{SF} - fixed for 1.8 UserPageohertel
{SF(aid=>817771)}{SF} Patch proposed and committed