History: Tiki-org Homepage Revamp 2020
Preview of version: 6 (current)
The separate "info.tiki.org" perspective (blue coloring) will be ended on November 5 because it has caused problems for site navigation, searches, and so on, so there won't be a visual or conceptual separation between former "info" content and "community" content here. So, this is an appropriate time to take another look at the homepage(s) of tiki.org in terms of content and appearance and make improvements.
Some questions
- Should there continue to be two homepages, one that's the default, for anonymous visitors, which contains "splashpage" kind of information, and one for "Community"?
- Should the information and purpose of these pages be combined into one (like the site was before the info perspective was implemented)?
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- Combine the two into one page.
- There's already some overlap of information.
- Logged-in user content can be displayed either in
- The left column
- One or more additional horizontal sections of the page
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- Adapt the mockup made by Bilal, or something like it.
- Full-width page, but content in standard container div (using Plugin Layout)
- Full-width background graphics
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