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History: TikiPageGroups

Preview of version: 5

This feature (the ability to group pages together, navigate between pages in a group and reference pages in other wikis) has fast become a key requirement for good wiki collaboration. For those that think Tiki does this already, please read the Wiki Page Groups section of WikiDev, then StructureDev, then the rest of this page.

  • ))PmWikiWikiGroups]
  • TwikiWiki(( calls this feature Twiki webs
  • Others call it wiki page collections or wiki page groups.

I'd guess that it wouldn't be too much work to get this working. The key features would seem to be:

  • extend Structures with a feature similar to External wikis, but
    • only accepts local URLs
    • in formatting rules, uses "/" or "." rather than the ":" that External wikis uses to seperate group from page name. Where "." is used, this is translated to "/" in the URL
    • when displaying the page, correctly highlights the WikiWord or appends a "?" to the wiki word depending upon whether the destination exists or not (the external wikis feature always assumes that a destination exists, which isn't appropriate for page groups)
  • breadcrumbing above the page title to indicte the group hierarchy to which the page belongs (see examples, below) - Structures does this
  • add namespaces: wiki links within a page that belongs to a group are relative to that group (see: http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiTopics#Creating_and_editing_topics) and the Wiki Namespaces section of WikiDev, particularly the TikiNameSystem proposal.


See also

  • Structures
  • StructureDev
  • WikiDev - namespaces section

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Information Version
Michael Davey 11
Michael Davey 10
Michael Davey 9
Michael Davey 8
Michael Davey 7
Michael Davey 6
Michael Davey 5
Michael Davey added link 4
Michael Davey added link 3
Michael Davey 2
Michael Davey initial commit 1