History: TikiPageGroups
Preview of version: 2
This feature (the ability to group pages together, navigate between pages in a group and reference pages in other wikis) has fast become a key requirement for good wiki collaboration. For those that think Tiki does this already, please read the "Wiki Page Groups" section of WikiDev, then the rest of this page.
- ))PmWikiWikiGroups]
- TwikiWiki(( calls this feature Twiki webs
- Others call it wiki page collections or wiki page groups.
I'd guess that it wouldn't be too much work to get this working. The key features would seem to be:
- a feature similar to External wikis, but
- only accepts local URLs
- in formatting rules, uses "/" or "." rather than the ":" that External wikis uses to seperate group from page name. Where "." is used, this is translated to "/" in the URL
- when displaying the page, correctly highlights the WikiWord or appends a "?" to the wiki word depending upon whether the destination exists or not (the external wikis feature always assumes that a destination exists, which isn't appropriate for page groups)
- breadcrumbing above the page title to indicte the group hierarchy to which the page belongs (see examples, below)
- wiki links within a page that belongs to a group are relative to that group (see: http://wiki.java.net/bin/view/TWiki/TWikiTopics#Creating_and_editing_topics) and the Wiki Namespaces section of WikiDev, particularly the TikiNameSystem proposal.
- http://www.nslu2-linux.org/ is an example of a page called ))HomePage, belonging to the Main group - inPmWiki((.
- http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/Unslung/HomePage is an example of a page called ))HomePage, belonging to the Unslung group - also inPmWiki((.
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