History: TikiTesters
Preview of version: 26
The purpose of this page is to give the Tiki Development Team a list of people on different platforms that can test a release before its made available.
To appear on the list, simply edit the page and add your details, please only add your details if you able to test a tiki release at short notice prior to the release appearing on SourceForge
- Damian - Damian - IRC: damian
- Debian unstable
- Apache 2.0.50
- MySQL 4.0.20
- PHP 4.3.8
- Firefox 0.9.1
- Fedora Core 2
- Apache 2.0.49
- PHP 4.3.6
- MySQL 3.23.58
- Red Hat 9
- Apache 2.0.40
- MySQL 3.23.58
- PHP 4.2.2
- Mozilla 1.4.1
- Windows XP
- MySQL 4.0 and MSSQL
- PHP 4.3.7
- Debian unstable
- Chealer9
- Mandrake 9.2
- Windows XP Professional
- EasyPHP 1.7 (Apache 1.3.27 - PHP 4.3.3 - MySQL 4.0.15)
- Firebird 0.7
- IE 6
- DennisDaniels -IRC: dgd
- RH9
- Latest Greatest from RH9 (synaptic)
- Mozilla 1.6a
- Win98
- Win2k
- Firebird .7
- IE 5.5
- RH9
- Stephan Borg
- Server
- RH8
- Apache 2.0.40
- PgSQL 7.2.4
- PHP 4.2.2
- RH8
- Client
- RH9
- Galeon 1.2.7
- RH9
- Server
- George - UserPagegeorge.geller - IRC: ggeller
- Red Hat 8
- Apache 2.0.47
- MySQL 4.0.16
- PHP 4.3.2
- Clients: Mozilla 1.2 and 1.4.1 on Linux and IE on Windows
- Red Hat 8
- John Lewis - UserPagejahlewis - IRC jahlewis
- Clients
- IE 6.0sp1
- Firebird .7 (win)
- Safari 1.1
- Servers
- RH7.3, mysql 3.23.56, php 4.1.2, apache 1.3.27
- RH9, mysql 4.014, 4.2.2, apache 2.0.40
- Clients
- Christophe Bourel - UserPagecbourel
- Server Mandrake 9.2
- Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.47
- Mysql Ver 12.21 Distrib 4.0.15, for mandrake-linux-gnu (i586)
- PHP 4.3.4 (cgi)
- Clients
- Galeon 1.3.8
- Mozilla 1.4
- Opera 7.23 build 518
- Server Mandrake 9.2
- Terence - IRC: teedog
- Gentoo Linux
- Apache 2.0.50
- MySQL 4.0.20
- PHP 4.3.8
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux v3
- Apache 2.0.46
- MySQL 3.23.58
- PHP 4.3.2
- Gentoo Linux
- luci - IRC: luci|luciash
- Mandrake 9.2
- Clients:
- Konqueror 3.2.1
- Mozilla 1.7
- Backends:
- apache 1.3.28
- php 4.3.3
- MySQL 4.0.15
- Clients:
- Mandrake 9.2
Database Testers
- postgres
- redflo - UserPageredflo - IRC: redflo
- mose - UserPagemose - IRC: mose
- mssql
- damian - Damian - IRC: damian
- oracle
- redflo
- sybase
- redflo
Browser Testers
- Windows IE6
- sylvie - UserPagesylvie - IRC: sylvieg
- lynx
- links
- w3m
- Firefox 0.9.1
- Mozilla 1.7
- Konqueror
- Pocket Internet Explorer (PocketPC)
Mail User Agent
- Microsoft outlook 2000
- sylvie - UserPagesylvie - IRC: sylvieg