History: TwoRevamp
Preview of version: 44
- Add a link Register on register unless user is logged in. with a tootip Register an account on, the accounts are usable instantly on many *.tiki.org domains, with the same login and password.
- Cleanup up use of Google Analytics, by using plugin
Should be in general guidelines
- Use wiki page includes to avoid duplication. A good example: Team
- Use page aliases to avoid duplication/redirects
- No WikiWords
- Tiki Manual of Style should be made more generic (not just for docs) and applied to all sites.
- don't delete pages, put them to the archive category (comes good for performance dogfooding)
Short term
- Should a "Chat" link be at the top?
- Harmonize copyright notice in footer
- Perhaps info intro page should have more the use cases than the features?
- Tiki Feature Checklist should have more.
- Menu is chopping "Tiki Software Community Association" to "Tiki Software Commun"
- Why is {toc} making an error on Help?
- Get rid of all the redirects and replace by aliases
- Merge news on info & community (and have rewrite rules and not loose hit stats) but Where?
- Tweak the search template to search the same term on other sites or Google Site Search (/home/infotw/infotwo-tiki2/templates/styles/info_tw_org/tiki-searchindex.tpl)
- See with ricks99 about any goodies at /home/infotw/infotwo-tiki2/templates/styles/info_tw_org/*.tpl
Long Term
- Move to proper sub-domain according to Where
- First categorize, later move (keeping history)
- hundreds of links to clean up (delete spam and junk)
- (I went through the category and removed dead/inappropriate sites - Gary)
- Use module SwitchCategory (or tags?) to get people to report pages (not backlinks because editing pages is long and then, they are recently modified.
- Delete and categorize all pages
- Change all UserPage to User: (perhaps a script should be in Tiki?, which appends page alias)
- Stop using Wiki Words and convert them all to ((Intentional Links))
- Check the language of each page
- http://profiles.tiki.org/tikiwiki_org_sites_profile
To be classified
- Make a common footer for all sites
- (The CSS for the nice footer is already in strasa.css, from Patrick's original design. I'll implement it. - Gary)
- Same 6 sites, but with 3-7 most important links within
- Links to other sites (de.tiki.org, stats.tikiwiki.org, etc.)
- Perhaps Social Networking and Partners (Zend, SourceForgeLogo, etc)
- Rewrite Rules inconsistency
- Copy each .htaccess to wiki pages, so it can be managed there (and copy-pasted to server by site admin) Ex.: http://dev.tikiwiki.org/htaccess
- http://dev.tikiwiki.org/i18n.tikiwiki.org ?
- Harmonize the list pages on all 6 sites
- Remove IP in view history from all except editors
- found some nice social bookmark icons at Iconspedia, the license says it is "free", but maybe someone who speaks french could check it at the author's site
- info.tikiwiki.org revamp >>> moved to separate page InfoTikiWikiOrgDev