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History: UserPageBsfez

Preview of version: 4

Hello! My name is Bernard Sfez.

I’m a Tiki specialist, I manage web oriented projects and lead developers to successful project launch.
I am full of energy! If there is a problem to solve, there is a problem no more!

I’ve been for years an active member of the Tiki community.
I’m a proud Tiki Admin involved in almost every aspect of this project.
I helped and successfully contribute to the project in many way (code commit, QA, release coordinator, community manager, etc.)

How can I help you ?

  1. You are looking for a Tiki Specialist with extended knowledge in Content management systems, Tiki Wiki and WikiSuite including IT Administration, Security and Database management background.

  2. You need someone with deep process integration experience and creative problem solving abilities with positive attitude to meet objectives and budget.

  3. You want someone you can trust with 20 years of consolidated experience which covers many fields including eCommerce, ERP/CRM, Social Networks, Mobile development, SEO, UI/UX, Servers and network administration.

Visit Bernard Sfez website or send me an email: me at bsfez.com!


Information Version
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 10
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 9
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 8
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 7
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 6
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 5
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 4
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 3
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 2
Bernard Sfez / Tiki Specialist 1