History: UserPageRussWilde
Preview of version: 21
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Hi there!!
I'm Russ, I've partially doctored TikiWiki for my site http://www.invasion-force.co.uk/ ( how did they do it..? )
I'm currently finishing my Degree in 3D Computer Animation, When I can stop playing with tiki that is. I'm also learning PHP and all the rest of it as I go, so I tend to "have a go" at things occasionally sometimes with useful results...
Here are some tweaks, patches and fixes for your pleasure and convenience
NEW: PreviewFileGalleriesMOD
Want to associate image gallery pictures with file gallery downloads?
Want to show a thumbnail or screengrab of the download in the file gallery listing?
Want it NOW??
No problem, checkout my preview file galleries MOD, the mod which lets you preview files in the file galleries.
NOTE, the file supplied expect you to have installed (even if you don't want to use it) my default image ordering mod, which can befound below.
Sorry about that, I create these thing on my live site as I have no test rig, so of coure the files I supply ar the end result from my site. And I have these all installed on my site — that's how useful I find them.
You can always contact me through messsaging or comments on this page if you want some help or if you want me to doctor the files to not include this mod.
browse_categories fix
Fixed the lack of a description in tiki-browse_galleries php and tpl
Download it here
This just adds a line to the php file to create the smarty $description variable, The tpl then displays it.
Image Gallery Fix
NOTE I this is the modified fix to include the "list Gallery" function, it contains tiki-list_gallery.php and tiki-list_gallery.tpl as well as a change to the tiki-galleries.tpl in order to implement default sort orders in that view also.
Okay, so you want to specify the order in which images are listed in your image galleries? Per gallery? Well that shouldn't be too hard...
a couple of hours later
Okay, so the fix works.. Someone else can add it to the CVS and all that jazz, With someones administrative approval, this should feature in 1.8.3 release. in the meantime here's the file:
Download the zip file
First of all you need to modify your database "tiki-galleries" table to add a field called ordering of type VARCHAR (20) with a default value of created_desc which is tiki's default ordering for image galleries.
In SQL that would be
ALTER TABLE `tiki_galleries` ADD `ordering` VARCHAR( 20 ) DEFAULT 'created_desc' NOT NULL ;
This will not damage any existing image galleries you have, but I always recommend backups before this kind of thing.
Next download the file and extract the contents to the relevant folders (these are detailed in the readme.txt file if you don't recurse folders when you extract the files)
Drop all the files in the right places and viola! Everything looks the same!
but now you can edit or create galleries and thre is an extra "order of images" option at the bottom of the form, which will have the relevant effect on links from the default gallery listings and the title links at the top of "tiki-browse_gallery" pages.
that was easy eh?
ContactUs fixes - NOW IN CVS!!
I've aded these fixes to the CVS for future releases so if you have 1.8.3 or above, they are obsolete. The version in CVS does not harvest e-mail addresses. Thats a customization and remains here as a MOD.
Fixes to use the anonymous contact system properly:
Current Version (for polaris - 1.8.2)
This version requires the anonymous user to supply an e-mail address, regular users see no difference in operation. This replaces 1.8.2's wierd placement of anonymous contact checkbox in the admin > features with one in admin > general which is only visible when the contact feature is disabled and is right next to the contact user option.
Previous fix (for polaris - 1.8.1)
This version merely got the contact anonymous working, didn't hide the contact anonymous checkbox when the contact feature was disabled and clashed with 1.8.2's contact (anonymous) checkbox in admin > features of all places.
Observations of the LeftColBug
I noticed that, once in a while, when Tiki is rendering a page slightly slowly, or when the server is under duress, it would render thc contents of a DIV larger than its containing parent (be it Table, DIV or whatever) under the condition that there is a child container or block formatting of some sort within the DIV which has the style attribute WIDTH="100%" set. That is the only time I have observed this behaviour.
this, I have guessed, is what happens, when the style for that block is not yet properly downloaded or implememtned by the client while it's contants have been downloaded and the child container is scaled using ITS style to 100%, which of course makes it the width of the browser viewable pane, shunting everything else off to the right.
I have examined most of the stylesheets in my current install (polaris) and most of the stylesheets maintain the Width="100%" in the left-column style somewhere.
All I have done to remove any accounts of this bug on my site has been to actually plumb in the left column's width in pixels into the stylesheet. I've also filched through most of the templates looking for other bugs and other heirarchical problems.
Mostly the problems I found tags left open, particularly DIV class="cbox" which is a reccuring nightmare, nevertheless, I am cracking it bit by bit.
I'd offer to demonstrate the lack of leftCol bug on my site http://www.invasion-force.co.uk but you'll never beleive it anyway, because I have no left column anymore, nor do I have modules. If you want to stop by and check the site's development out I'd appreciate it, but since you are unlikley to have read this far I doubt you'd do that.
I'm also thinking about introducing a campaign for a smiley to match this :p properly.