History: UserPageme-g33k
Preview of version: 3 (current)
Hi There...
Just thought I'd posting something on the user page.
Who the hell is this?
Who me? Oh, I'm just your average hardcore computer geek. Oh, well, maybe not that hard core. I am married and living in South Jersey in the US. I am the Chief Technology Officer for PC Network Inc. (yeah the page sucks... I wanna replace it with a customized wiki once I get a breather... Or are you interested in helping out?) I'm trying to establish more Open Source use in this Organization and our clients as well.
I used to be the CTO for the newest shipyard in the US. Unlike a CIO I deal with the business end of the technolgy more and I am right in the trenches with the Network/Server/System Admins. I am also the head paranoid at the facility as I look after datasec.
What the heck do you want here?
Well, I really like this project and I have implemented it in the office for my department as well as on my personal server at home. I'm hoping to learn a bit more about how all of the various things work in the system as well as contributing where-ever and however I can.
That's nice but you got any skillz?
Some. I can hack my way through most languages although I rarely have enough time to code anything larger than your basic admimistration scripts. I can usually digest pretty complex code constructs and I know how to apply them not only in the apps but also for other purposes. I am also equally handy on the hardware and network side. It gives me a nice insight into the whole picture and not only the app side. Oh, and despite all of the pressures on my time I still steal enough of it to game. Right now the fixation is Warhammer 40K:Dawn of War although I've played the FPSs too. I used to hang out on Battle for Europe playing Day of Defeat...
What's Hawt?
Recently, plugins. I've got one working all the way and another in the final debug stages. The plugins are geared towards extracting data from Best Practical's Request Tracker system. The first plugin basically, gets the total # of tickets OR Total Time in Hours per queue or for the whole install. The second one is designed to output a table that will show staff utilization with-in the current week. That's the one that's not working so good yet... Once I hammer them out more, I'll post them for y'all to try.
Awright, enough already...
Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Feel free to drop by the blog or the main page and say "Hi."