History: UserPagemose
Preview of version: 28
yo there
I'm a freelance project manager and coder based in Paris, with selfmade but confirmed skills in graphic design, network engeneering, software development, collaborative operations and community management.
Tikiwikis hosted on my server
http://cynt.org (personnal website of a friend)
http://localis.org (geographic collaborative tool based on mapserver)
http://trollparty.org (Organisation of wifi-parties gathering geeks)
http://tikiwiki.org (Very mysterious sect of adorators of a polynesian semi-god)
http://irc.tikiwiki.org (irc logs from #tikiwiki channel and some others)
my other projects
http://cwriter.org (Collaborative Writer since '98)
http://sv.gnu.org/projects/ludap (LDAP user manager)
http://mose.fr/cv (my resume)
http://mose.fr/carton.phtml (my cartooning)
projects I contribute (or contributed)
http://sv.gnu.org/projects/epnadmin (working on a xml p2p web exchange)
http://sf.net/projects/outreach (calendar plugin)
http://thetransitioner.org (Colletcive Intelligence)
Oh, I just made a button, feel free to copy-paste..