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History: WikiCharacterFormattingDoc

Preview of version: 2

User Documentation

Emphasis: Italics and Bold

  • For italics, place two apostrophes before and after the word. Example: ''italic'' (note that you must use two apostrophes, not quotation marks)
  • For bold, place two underscores before and after the word. Example: __bold__


  • For bulleted lists, place an asterisk (*) at the beginning of each line of the list. Example: * Line in a bulleted list
  • For automatically numbered lists, place a hash mark (#) at the beginning of each line to be numbered. Example: #Line in a numbered list

Centered Text

  • To center text, surround the text to be centered with two colons. Example: ::text to be centered::
  • To link to a Wiki page (or create a link), enclose the name of the page (case-sensitive) within doubled parenthesis marks. Examples: ((Wiki Formatting HOWTO)) .
  • You can also create a Wiki page by joining capitalized words, as in this example: JoinCapitalizedWords
  • To link to a page on the Web, surround the hyperlink with square brackets. Example: [http://pfaff.tcc.virginia.edu .
  • To link to a page on the Web by showing linked text, add a vertical bar character, as shown in this example: [http://pfaff.tcc.virginia.edu | TCC 401p home pagej]

Tip: Sometimes Tikiwiki improperly formats text as a Wiki link. You can prevent this by surrounding the text with doubled, reverse parentheses, as in this example: ))MyText((


  • To create a top-level (large) heading, place an exclamation mark at the beginning of a line.
  • To create a second-level (medium) heading, place two exclamation marks at the beginning of a line.
  • To create a third-level (small) heading, place three exclamation marks at the beginning of a line.

Page Breaks

  • For lengthy documents, you can break a page by inserting the word "page" surrounded by two periods. Example: ..page..

For examples and additional formats, click Wiki help (one of the buttons at the bottom of Wiki editing box) when you are editing a Wiki page.

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This page is for the latest released stable version or release candidate(not stuff in CVS).

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For more information


Information Version
luciash d' being ? Page locked 6
mstovenour 5
DavidBright One more minor formatting update (provide monospace example). 4
Bryan Pfaffenberger 3
Bryan Pfaffenberger 2