History: Zarafa
Preview of version: 33
Zarafa is an open-source, full-featured mail storage and groupware solution. Zarafa includes a web-based interface for performing mail, address book and calendar functions. It is a component of Tiki Suite.
Uses PHP / MySQL, like Tiki
Zarafa has a lot of features, and via the ClearOS integration, makes for a full-featured self-hosted email solution.
Related links
- http://www.zarafa.com/
- Zarafa Manual
- https://www.ohloh.net/p/zarafa
- http://www.zarafa.com/codechallenge2013/
- https://suite.tiki.org/Tiki+Suite+Install#Zarafa
- http://www.clearcenter.com/support/documentation/user_guide/zarafa_community_for_clearos
- Spam / virus filter
- Auto-responders
- Zarafa webapp -> Settings -> Out of office (AutoReply only once per day to each sender with the following text:)
- Alternate reply-to
- Zarafa webapp -> Settings -> Send as "Due to security reasons the send as permission is only configurable by the administrator" (but how?)
- Domain alias (example.org & example.com)
- Rules
- For different handling based on domain name (filter has a sent to field, so presumably this works)
- To handle recurring mail (ex.: known spammer, automated warnings, etc.). Ex.: move to shared folder
- Rules
- If a user has more than one account powered by Zarafa (on several different servers)
- Is it possible to overlay calendars between two Zarafa instances? Like remote calendar idea
- Is it possible for the webmail to access address book of another webmail account?
- How to make system wide changes?
- Settings -> Mail -> Compose mail in this format -> Plain Text (instead of HTML)
- Settings -> Calendar -> First day of the week: Sunday
- Turn off notes & tasks for times when this will be done in Tiki. We want to avoid duplication of data.
- How to configure Zarafa settings that are part of Z-Admin but not in https://example.org:81/app/zarafa_community ?
- How to configure Zarafa's ActiveSync to have different remote control settings. (ex.: not full control of device but only remote wipe of Zarafa data)
- What features would ClearOS or Zarafa or Tiki need to add so we can have Forum and Mailing List Synchronization without having to install MailMan?
- Everything would be web-based and handled in Tiki-Clearos-Zarafa. Here is live use: http://tiki.org/forum26
- Is there a moderation feature in Zarafa? (mail needs manual approval before going to one or many). Ideally, we could put in a folder and it gets sent to all (or something like this). If a message is suspected of being spam, it could be manually approved by someone before being sent to all.
- How to get a Free/Busy feature working?
- Check if latest versions have an improved server-side filter interface: It would be nice to propose a filter based on a message. This is really useful for mailing lists. If it doesn't exist, log a feature request and add a link below. See also: https://github.com/thsmi/sieve/blob/master/README.md
Wishlist for Zarafa
- Move to Bootstrap like ClearOS and Tiki.
- Permit registration to the bug & issue tracker
- A public repo so we can follow the action and contribute
- Feature request: Offline version of WebApp
- Feature request: Threaded view of emails in WebApp
- Feature request: Unified search throughout all folders (WebApp)
- Feature request: Unique URL for each email, for direct access via WebApp
- External calendar support in WebApp
- Native support for CalDAV and CardDAV by adding SabreDAV to the official code base.
Wishlist for Zarafa-ClearOS integration
- Blocker: Mail redirect to external domain
- DMARC / DKIM / PTR / SPF: Features / status report tool / documentation to reduce odds of outgoing mail being flagged as spam
- Force https use for all data & related security enhancements
- It should be possible to view/set webmail URL and deactivate legacy interface
- Zarafa should report if ports should be opened on the firewall
- A way to run Tiki with PHP 5.5 on the same instance as Zarafa (without breaking Zarafa)
- ClearOS-Prosody-Zarafa
- Public folder in Zarafa Webmail for Spam Training / Bayesian Learning
- Zarafa has a nifty shared folder feature, but could use a little UI tweak
Wishlist for Zarafa-Elasticsearch integration