History: tiki.org Teams and Social Networking Dogfood
Preview of version: 15
This page is to list all wishes for Teams and Community Team, which we hope to get for Tiki10 and test regularly on http://next.tiki.org/ Many of these are configurations. For the ones that can't done within the next few week, they will be converted to proper wishes on dev.tiki.org
Get to know people
- Make it easy to see who is involved in what, what they did,
Contacting the right people
- Without risking spam
- http://dev.tiki.org/wish2302
Starting Local User Groups
We detect that you are in this city / country, please confirm"To my location" - Country picker doesn't work at https://tiki.org/tiki-register.php
Starting special interest groups
Making subdomains per country/language/topic
1-liner for group membership
- Comment line/box for when someone joins is added to a group
- This is an explanation of the reason person joined, what there roll is, etc.
- http://tiki.org/Lists+of+members+of+all+Teams would look more like WhoWhat but is still dynamically generated. People could indicate they want to "Lead", "Help", "Follow" etc.
- Would be great also to list languages for Team i18n
- This info should also be part of the notification email when someone is watching a group
- And in this notification email, please also add who added the person to the group
Not categorized
- tracker8&sort_mode=f_123_desc -> country filter is not working
- List of all UserPages, split per country
- Lists of members of all Teams
- Should have link to UserPage if there is one, and option to show country flag
- The "assign" time/date here http://tiki.org/tiki-admingroups.php?group=Team%20Security&cookietab=2 is wonky
- How could I give tiki_p_broadcast to a user for his own group, but not for any group, especially Registered and Team Developers?
- Easy way to message group (internal message system or email) (for individuals, it should already be OK)
- Make Developers map better
- List users per country would be nice
- Make tiki-user_preferences.php?view_user= less ugly when no lat/long has been picked
- diff_style= is there twice
- SPAM prevention
- PluginMemberList: link to username link instead of user number Lists of members of all Teams
- Group member watch send emails when user is added/removed via Lists of members of all Teams. Nice: But could we know who added/removed and have the 1-line message in the mail?
- We want group members to receive such notifications of changes to their group
See also: Stickiness Project
Code to test in 10.x
Need to activate: user_in_search_result Done, but next is a need to fix re-indexing.
No results for query.
No results for query.