After one alpha and one beta version the Tiki 20.0 final version was released on June 26th, 2019 (yay, in time as planned, thanks to Roberto!). Special thanks to Omar Kurt of for security enhancements.
Tiki 20 keeps the same requirements as Tiki 19 so the upgrade path should be easy.
Amongst the most significant changes are:
- Google ReCaptcha v2 support has been upgraded to Google ReCaptcha 3
- New console commands were added
- OAuth2 support added
- Webmail now uses Cypht integration instead of the old Tiki code
- Converted WebDAV to (and CalDAV and CardDAV is on roadmap)
- New in wiki syntax: We've added support to use @username mentions
- New wiki plugins:
- PluginCypht (see the Webmail/Cypht integration above)
- PluginMarkdown (yeah, you can use the MD syntax in Tiki now!)
- TRIM has been rewritten and became now the "Tiki Manager"
- XMPP: Massively improved Openfire-Converse-Tiki interoperability. See it in action at
For more details please see Documentation.
Altair (Alpha Aquilae) with diffusion filter. In this starfield showing many stars of Aquila constellation, the asterism α, β and γ Aquilae (Tarazed) can be easily recognized on the left portion of the image. Tarazed is the yellowish star above the biggest one (Altair). Author: J. Aleu, Public Domain