- I want to generally allow registered users write access to wiki, but still need to restrict write to admin only on many pages. is it better to do this by assigning perms, or by locking pages I want to restrict?
- Are the backups TikiWiki creates, encrypted or compressed?
- How do I modfy way a page is displayed in Tiki?
- I've noticed sometimes the number of online users jumps high, is this a bug?
- How do I link to a Blog or a Tracker from a Wiki?
- I want users to create their own user pages and send Tiki messages... How do I do that?
- I've changed the login settings (LDAP or SSL only), and now can't log in.
- If I wished for my users to be able create a tracker item, but not to be able to see what others created, what rights should I deal out?
- I've changed something and can't find the login area anymore! What do I do?
- My users have lost their passwords... how can I as admin provide a new one for them?
- Login problem : I accidently removed the column with my login module in Admin --> features Now I don't know how to login, how do I recover from this situation?
- How can anonymous users set their language?
- I'm using (insert your current CMS here). Is there a conversion script for my CMS so that I can use TikiWiki?
- I lost the admin password
- I messed up with the code in site identity and now I have a smarty error
- How I can manage multiple domain with one tikiwiki db ?
- I deleted admin and I have no other admin account
Use the change password page tiki-change_password.php.
Fill Username with the name of the user you want to change password, Old password with "admin-" + the admin password (not of a user with admin privs, must be the user called admin) and New password with what you want the password to be.
A courtesy of DHeltzel
You must manually access the page to login, tiki-login_scr.php.
Now you'll want to put the modules you left in a disactivated column in the other one from tiki-admin_modules.php.
If you disabled both columns then you'll have to activate one from tiki-admin.php?page=features.
1) with phpMyAdmin or equivalent
- in the table users_users check that the admin user has a correct email
- in tiki_preferences set forgotPass to 'y'
- from the tikisite, goto 'I forgot my password' from the login box or go the the url tiki-remind_password.php
and send the password to admin
2) with phpMyAdmin or equivalent, you can also change the password directly in the database
- in in the table users_users set the hash to md5('adminadmin')
or update users_users set hash=md5('adminadmin') where login='admin';
Better to change the admin password interactively after to be sure all the information in the database are correctly set
3) write a little php program. Ex test.php you place in the tiki root directory
<?php include_once('tiki-setup.php'); $userlib->change_user_password('the_login', 'the_new_password');
and execute it http://my_domain.com/test.php
In tikiwiki1.10, add the following to each local.php:
$db_table_prefix - base table prefix
$common_users_table_prefix - common "users" prefix
In the database do
insert into users_users (login, email, hash) values('admin', 'me@me.com', md5('adminpassword'))