Re: RSS support not available in TW 1.8?
It is my impression that TW does support RSS and that is a great feature to have for TW. That was a selling point for this CMS versus other systems and continues to be so. It is clear that numerous areas of the TW site are syndicated. It is not a high demand specific format that is needed. Yes, there are different formats but it seems that as for new work or new features this is not what is needed as it is already supported - the syndication of the site features already exist. This is what I did discover recently. As stated I did not know that it was working becuae the syndication is not what one expects to see in terms of how it is presented. There must be a way to format the style of how the content of the newsfeeds is displayed. Numerous versions of TW have supported RSS in a similar fashion. Thus I believe that the needs that one has to presenting syndicated content do exist already. I believe I am just doing something wrong or failing to do something that would be necessary to create and publish newsfeeds. I would not have recommended the use of TW for certain publications or projects if I did not see this feature. When all I get is a sequential list of the title for my blog, I know I did something wrong. That isn't what a syndication needs or should display, not the title of the blog - I know I must be specifying something wrong. One would expect a list of article titles and a summary of the article, perhaps pulling in the first x words or characters for the feed.
So, I'm just looking for the step by step directions to get it right... to generate the xml structured as a newsfeed needs to be structured, so that the summary of the content of the various postings can be displayed in a RSS newsfeed reader.