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Architecture / Installation

Admin Modules, now Tiki is blank page!

posts: 11 China

Dear all,

I just created a new user module in the Admin Module page. In the data box I entered Image , hoping the module would simply display the image from the image gallery.

After assigning the module a position (1) however, our office tiki site has gone dead. Every page requested now just shows up blank.

Does anybody know how to fix or where to go to delete the change I made the the modules settings?

Tiki Version: 1.8
OS: Unix

Thanks in advance,

posts: 1092

It is better to delete the entry in tiki_user_assigned_modules because if you delete in tiki_user_modules, you will let a disconnected entry in tiki_user_assigned_modules

posts: 11 China

Worked like a charm. Thank you both!
