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Features / Usability

nothing listed under WATCHES

posts: 49 Canada

I think this may be the newsletter feature but suspect not quite:

simply: I want my registered users to be notified via email whenever an Article is posted.

is this doable???

I see mail notification feature; but can’t add groups to it.

I read about newsletters but it looks like people need to subscribe and I don’t think they can be fired off automatically (like when an article is posted).

Ideally (if this was a newsletter) users would be auto-subscribed when they register – but could either unsubscribe via an email or setting in their profile.

seems like a pretty basic function so i must be missing something...


posts: 1092

- New article post notification can be set by a user (MyTiki - watches) in 1.9
- The admin can set specific email for new article post (Admin - Mail notification)
But there is nothing global to a group of user .... not yet 😊

posts: 49 Canada

Watches.. sounds cool.. but what is it???

I have 1.9. I think released version (although no idea how i would know). I have Watches listed as a feature. I turn it on and go to my Watches... not much there. I get a pulldown that has ALL as only event; and that's it.

What's an event? Do i need to define these somewhere? Any documentation on this????

I guess i wil try to pull down latest CVS of 1.9 or download released 1.9 (it is released now isn't it???) and see if that helps.

... but... this does sound like exactly what i am lokoing for..


posts: 49 Canada

ooops, only had 1.9RC2 - trying latest now.


posts: 49 Canada

ok.. i give up.

I don't get WATCHES. When i go to my watches on my site - i have nothing there other than a single select list with ALL as only option.

When i go my watches on tikiwiki,org site - i get Add Watches as well as items listed in both select lists!!!!

no idea whats wrong - my 1.9RC3 watches template doesn't even have ADD WATCHES.

pretty sure i have never touched any code that would be related to anything to do with watches so no idea why i have nothing here. I have scanned forums and seem small comments about "events" but no idea where those are defined... and, no documentation anywhere on watches

frustrated as hell,
