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Architecture / Installation

1.8.4 upgrade from 1.8.3

posts: 12 United States

After reading some horror stories involving out-of-date Twiki installations, I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade to 1.8.4 from 1.8.3. The upgrade instructions upgrade instructions simply say that the 1.8.1 from 1.8.0 instructions should be helpful. Overall, it sounds pretty easy; does anyone have anything else to add?


David Morris

posts: 30

OK, I went to upgrade from 1.8.4 from 1.8.3. I looked at the release notes (1.8.1 from 1.8.0). I unzipped the new file to the tikiwiki-1.8.4 directory.

When I go to the main page, it shows Tiki 1.8.4 is installed. However, I previously required a login and password before being able to view any page. Now, the Login page won't let me through as my normal user or admin, yet I can go directly to any page if I know the URL (and it says I'm logged in as my normal user).

PHP 4.3.7 and MySQL 4.0.20 remained as before, and I'm on Linux.

ps, I may have messed up the permissions because I unzipped the file as root, so I need to know what ownership to assign the directories (I changed them all to the same user/group that runs the web server). If I did screw up the installation, I can still restore everything from yesterday's backup if you let me know today.

pps, I didn't know you offered hosting...I'll have to look in to that (not for the site in question, but for personal use).

posts: 22 Switzerland

Hi Plamping

I'm not realy a TikiWiki crack, so don't expect to much help with this answer 😊 but perhabs you can give it a try..

This Friday I upgradet my productiv intranet side from 1.5 to 1.8.4, when I was done with database updates, and changed the folder, I couldn't log in eather.. then I took my dump I made before (as a backup) load it up, update the db again, and then it worked just fine.

:) I don't think this is much helpfull.. and it sounds dump, but perhabs u give it a try and dump your db, and load it again..

posts: 1092

The script setup.sh is supposed to set the right perms to the directories

Perhaps clean your tiki cookies - it seems you are still logged on

posts: 9309 Germany
After reading some horror stories involving out-of-date Twiki installations ...

Erm, Twiki is not Tikiwiki! That's two different things.

Thats Twiki: http://twiki.org

posts: 30
I still can't find the answer and I've really racked my brain. Does anyone else have ideas?