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Features / Usability

some people are logged out automatically

posts: 41 Spain

Hi, some of my users, and I still only have a few as the project is not public yet, keep being logged out as soon as they switch to a new page. This can be when they try to edit, browsing, after having seen 1 page, after a few pages, after a lot of pages, but the common thing is that they didn't want to be logged out. I haven't had the problem myself.

Is it to do with:

Remember me domain:
Remember me path:

I don't know what to fill out there, but without anything filled out, it works fine for me and most users...

Any help appreciated!

Thanks, Lex

posts: 1092

Perhaps you session life time in php.ini

admin->general -> session lifetime

posts: 41 Spain


I set session to a week.

And as only a few members have this problem...

posts: 1092

My previous answer was stupid... sorry
Just anidea
session can be cookie - and cookie can be be browser dependent.
Did you try
admin->general ->Store session data in database:

posts: 41 Spain

I had a look and
Store session data in database:
was checked.

Should I try clearing it?

And I should apologise, "Session lifetime in minutes:" wasn't set to a week, that was something else, I guess the cookie. The sessions were set to 5 minutes. My guess with the sessions was that it was only to see if someone was still online or not, but what do I know. Anyway, I set it to 60 minutes now.