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Architecture / Installation

Blank page at Tiki Script Installation

posts: 131 Singapore

I have successfully install EasyPHP and msSQL. Moving forward next is to install Tiki script, however when I point my browser to, I have an empty page. I have try installing and re-installing but no success. I have followed the installation documentation closely but still no success. Why is this so?? Can anybody help?? I am desperate.... forgot to add that I am using the 1.8.5 version of Tiki. 🙄

Following Damian instruction to use Easyphp1.7 and change to 16MB memory. I am still unable to install the tiki script after successfully installing mySql. when I point my browser to, the browser shows an empty page. What could be the possible thing that I did wrong? I tried to follow closely to the easyphp setup and still did not manage a successful installation. I will like to mention that I did manage to install successfully on my own PC. But when I tried to attempt to install to my company's webserver machine, I am unable to replicate the success and got hung up at the tiki script installation.....

posts: 2881 United Kingdom

you must use version 1.7 of easyphp as 1.8 contains a incompatible version of mysql.

Also you will need to modify your PHP memory limit as per art82


posts: 131 Singapore

> you must use version 1.7 of easyphp as 1.8 contains a incompatible version of mysql.
> Also you will need to modify your PHP memory limit as per art82
> Damian
> http://tikihost.net
Thanks Damian for the reply. I have since downlaoded and used EasyPHP 1.7 on my webserver machine. Now, I ran into a different problem - it does not allow me to start mySQL. Can I use EasyPHP to install on a webserver machine or I must install each component individually?? I am able to start Apache but not mySQL...I have selected running Apache and mySQL as services....does it matter?? Thanks for the patience with a newbie...