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newsletter html output corrupted

posts: 49 Canada

[crossposted as reply to "Newletter vs Email Software"

I have authored a very lovely, very html rich newsletter. Thought it would be cool to use TW to send this as an email (ala TW Newsletter). But my email seems to be getting corrupted in numerous very confusing manners. Like I said I have run about 50 tests so far and results are a bit sporadic… so just a few of the results:

- the html file I am trying to use as content for my newsletter can be seen (perfectly I might add) I a browser at http://www.ottawavolleyball.com/newsletters/nl_0505.htm

- nl preview almost always looks correct – but not always (can’t handle background style color setting for example – but no big deal)
- I am using a few different mail programs and different mail servers
o mozilla mail, Outlook, and webmail
o my ISP mail account and the mail server that run myself

- basic issue is that when I look at the email – it is messed up
- looking at the html source that my email program spits out I see 3 basic types of corruption:
o characters being lost (ex. link to gif is http://domain/ball.gif and it ends up as http://domain/bll.gif)
- this of course shows up when viewing the email as a missing graphic
o characters are being inserted
- the “=??? character is being thrown in all a lot ; and sometimes the character string “3D??? – which amazingly enough is ASCII for .. you guessed it – the “=??? character
- this of course has a similar effect to characters being lost

the REALLY messed up part of this problem is what is consistent and what isn’t:

- my ISP mail account generally works better
- errors are repeatable – sending same email over and over will always same corruption
- that corruption is mostly repeatable between Outlook and Mozilla – but not completely

Like I said I have far more details test results – but I figure if someone knows the answer to my problem – they likely already know it from what I have reported so far.

My final test was to simply scrap the whole formatted html newsletter idea and just send a text email giving link to see html nl in browser. My simple one liner with a link also get corrupted but only when going through my email server (my ISPs works fine).

Any thoughts would really save me a lot of hair…


posts: 1092

Which tiki release ?
1.9.0 has a lot of fixes

posts: 1092
Also try to enclose your html in the np wiki tags
posts: 49 Canada

> Also try to enclose your html in the np wiki tags

well i thought there might have been an HTML tag.. but didn't see it in QuickTags - i look more.. but if i have to tag every single element in my letter then than can't work.. file is huge; editted in dreamweaver unless i write a script to parse all the real html tages and replace with wiki tags - which is doable.

oh yes, i am using recently released 1.9.0...

Can i NOT have it generate HTML? Don't see that anywhere. I enter simple text msg (to just point to my html letter):

Copy to clipboard
Please select the following link to view the May 2005 edition of the Ottawa Volleyball General Newsletter:

and it alreday has a single character corrupted

Copy to clipboard
Please select the following link to view the May 2005 edition o= the Ottawa Volleyball General Newsletter:

the "f" in "of" gets replaced with an "="; but only on my mail server. My ISP account it comes in fine.

A tried Netmon (TCP/IP monitoring tool to see exactly what leaves my tikiwiki PC when i hit "send newsletters" reveals:


sorry, had to post image of netmon dump since i dont know how to include CODE here which includes HTML tags - i thnk a bug in CODE tag as it should "quote" everything.

in the bold code above you can see the various "3D"'s and "=" that get added making text appear wrong and the link to be corrupted.

This shows TW does generate oddly corrupted SMTP data but that somehow; with my ISPs mail server it gets fixed... ahhhhh!!! I am sure it has something to do with specail charactes for something or other... more tests... and then starting running debugger and see if i can see in code where mail() content gets generated.

I'll loko into NP tag and do some more testing.

posts: 49 Canada

> Also try to enclose your html in the np wiki tags

are you referring to the couple QucikTags like bold, underline, img, etc

that will hardly work for me, what about the other 20 tags i use:
- td, tr, table, style, class, span, div, etc, etc...

like i said , my newsletter is real HTML - if tiki newsletters can't do HTML then i guess that would explain my problem - although my simple case is just text and even that got corrupted...

maybe time for me to start going through the code..


posts: 49 Canada

> Also try to enclose your html in the np wiki tags

well i thought there might have been an HTML tag.. but didn't see it in QuickTags - i look more.. but if i have to tag every single element in my letter then than can't work.. file is huge; editted in dreamweaver unless i write a script to parse all the real html tages and replace with wiki tags - which is doable.

oh yes, i am using recently released 1.9.0...

Can i NOT have it generate HTML? Don't see that anywhere. I enter simple text msg (to just point to my html letter):

Copy to clipboard
Please select the following link to view the May 2005 edition of the Ottawa Volleyball General Newsletter:

and it alreday has a single character corrupted

Copy to clipboard
Please select the following link to view the May 2005 edition o= the Ottawa Volleyball General Newsletter:

the "f" in "of" gets replaced with an "="; but only on my mail server. My ISP account it comes in fine.

A tried Netmon (TCP/IP monitoring tool to see exactly what leaves my tikiwiki PC when i hit "send newsletters" reveals:


sorry, had to post image of netmon dump since i dont know how to include CODE here which includes HTML tags - i thnk a bug in CODE tag as it should "quote" everything.

in the bold code above you can see the various "3D"'s and "=" that get added making text appear wrong and the link to be corrupted.

This shows TW does generate oddly corrupted SMTP data but that somehow; with my ISPs mail server it gets fixed... ahhhhh!!! I am sure it has something to do with specail charactes for something or other... more tests... and then starting running debugger and see if i can see in code where mail() content gets generated.

I'll loko into NP tag and do some more testing.

posts: 49 Canada

> Also try to enclose your html in the np wiki tags

are you referring to the couple QucikTags like bold, underline, img, etc

that will hardly work for me, what about the other 20 tags i use:
- td, tr, table, style, class, span, div, etc, etc...

like i said , my newsletter is real HTML - if tiki newsletters can't do HTML then i guess that would explain my problem - although my simple case is just text and even that got corrupted...

maybe time for me to start going through the code..
