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Page Content TOC box?

posts: 30 United States

Is it possible to create a Table of Contents (TOC) in a box, such as the "Page content" shown here http://www.bitweaver.org/wiki/ in Bitweaver, and here http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Main_Page on Media wiki. I really like the way the that Bitweaver puts the TOC in the "Page Contents" box, and then that whole TOC box at the side of the page and the text of the page is on the other side of the page.

Can Tikiwiki do anything like this?


posts: 30 United States

Thanks Rick!
What a clever idea! It's not what I asked for, but if the kind of TOC Page Contents box isn't available, that might be workable. Does anyone know if is what I was asking for is possible in Tiki?

Thanks for responding,

posts: 4664 Japan

Or something like this:

{DIV(bg=>#CCCCCC,float=>right)}__Page contents__ {maketoc}{DIV}

(with {maketoc} on a new line).

Seems like the BOX plugin also should work for this, but maketoc doesn't survive for some reason.

-- Gary

posts: 30 United States

Hi Gary,

Yes!! Yes!!

That is what I wanted!! One question. Is there a way to put a line around it. (not absolutely necessary, but just a nice touch.

It not, no problem. I really like solution. ๐Ÿ˜€

I put it to work here: http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php

Thank you very much!

Best Wishes,

posts: 30 United States

I'm wondering what the problem is: I tried to edit my message, and I got a white screen with this message: "Invalid variable value : forumId = 4comments_maxComments=1"

I tried several times and got the same message each time. Is this a bug in the program, or am I doing something wrong?


posts: 4664 Japan

> Hi,
> I'm wondering what the problem is: I tried to edit my message, and I got a white screen with this message: "Invalid variable value : forumId = 4comments_maxComments=1"
> I tried several times and got the same message each time. Is this a bug in the program, or am I doing something wrong?

You aren't doing anything wrong (except for submitting an initial post that needed editing ๐Ÿ˜‰). Editing forum posts has been broken for quite a while. My experience has been that when I clicked Edit, I got a textarea with the post for editing, but then when I submitted it, the page displayed with the old post version. If you're getting an error message, maybe that means things are changing as someone's working on the problem. ๐Ÿ˜‰

By the way, about the Page Contents box, to make it even more like your example boxes, you can also put a horizontal rule (three hyphens are the wiki syntax) on a line between the box title and the maketoc tag. I wanted to edit my post yesterday to include that bit of info, but didn't think it was worth an additional post.

-- Gary

posts: 30 United States

Edit Errors


You aren't doing anything wrong (except for submitting an initial post that needed editing ๐Ÿ˜‰). Editing forum posts has been broken for quite a while. My experience has been that when I clicked Edit, I got a textarea with the post for editing, but then when I submitted it, the page displayed with the old post version.

Yes, I got several of these "old post" versions as I tried to post an edit. I'm glad that it's not just me. At least I know now that I shouldn't try to edit a previous message, but just post a new message instead.


If you're getting an error message, maybe that means things are changing as someone's working on the problem. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yes, I got this error message also, in between the "old posts".

TOC boxes like examples?


By the way, about the Page Contents box, to make it even more like your example boxes, you can also put a horizontal rule (three hyphens are the wiki syntax) on a line between the box title and the maketoc tag. — Gary

Gary, I tried to make this TOC with a line under the "Page Contents" title. The only way I could get it to put a line under the title is when the box went the full width of the page. I tried a number of different ways and couldn't get the line under the title in the small TOC box. I'm Using Tiki 1.85, would that make a difference? Here is a sample of the 3 ways I understood how to make a TOC here:http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Create+TOC

  1. . The top TOC, with no line around, with a grey background.
  2. . The Second TOC, with a line around, in a light background. (Like the one at the top right of this message.
  3. . The Third TOC, with a line around and a line under the "Page Contents" title. (I couldn't figure out how to make this one small like the other two above it on my above mentioned website. An example of this is also show directly under here.) Any ideas?

This is and example of the Third TOC example:

Page contents

Upgrade or Wait?

I currently am using Tiki 1.85. I have been trying to decide whether or not to upgrade to tiki 1.90. I have been talking with one of my friends (that I'm helping to set up a second Tiki website) about whether to upgrade or wait until a more stable release. I think that knowing about this inability to edit a previous message helps me to know that I should just wait for a more stable release.

Expand Edit-Window Problem

Another feature that needs fixing is the "expand editing window" in the wiki section of Tiki 1.90. Whenever I try to make the editing window larger, the buttons don't work. I hope both of these gets fixed in the newer versions.

Thanks for all of your help. It is greatly appreaciated!

Best Wishes,

posts: 4664 Japan

Nicely formatted post, Stephen. ๐Ÿ˜Š

> Gary, I tried to make this TOC with a line under the "Page Contents" title. The only way I could get it to put a line under the title is when the box went the full width of the page. I tried a number of different ways and couldn't get the line under the title in the small TOC box. I'm Using Tiki 1.85, would that make a difference? Here is a sample of the 3 ways I understood how to make a TOC here:http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Create+TOC

I don't have a 1.8.5 install to test with right now, so I'm not sure what the differences are in this area.

This seems to be somewhat browser-dependant. I can see a line in a div of any width, such as on this forum page . . . but I'm using Opera. I looked at your TOC example page with Internet Explorer and see that your second and third divs are stretching the width of the center column, while they have the desired size and layout with Opera. The easy answer is to get every visitor to use a browser other than IE, but that's probably expecting too much. ๐Ÿ˜‰

> #. The top TOC, with no line around, with a grey background.
> #. The Second TOC, with a line around, in a light background. (Like the one at the top right of this message.
> #. The Third TOC, with a line around and a line under the "Page Contents" title. (I couldn't figure out how to make this one small like the other two above it on my above mentioned website. An example of this is also show directly under here.) Any ideas?

If you add a "width=30%" parameter (or whatever percentage), you can keep the box on the right-hand side of the page, and the underline still appears. I checked this with IE also. Having to put maketoc on a new line under the hr tag adds unwanted vertical space between the box title and content, but is unavoidable as both tags must be at the left margin to work right. I think a custom plugin might be able to solve some of these finer points.

> !!Upgrade or Wait?
> I currently am using Tiki 1.85. I have been trying to decide whether or not to upgrade to tiki 1.90. I have been talking with one of my friends (that I'm helping to set up a second Tiki website) about whether to upgrade or wait until a more stable release. I think that knowing about this inability to edit a previous message helps me to know that I should just wait for a more stable release.

I wouldn't call 1.9.0 unstable; it has quite a few new features, and IIRC 1.8.5 had its share of quirks, too, so I guess upgrading depends on your specific needs, etc.

> !!Expand Edit-Window Problem
> Another feature that needs fixing is the "expand editing window" in the wiki section of Tiki 1.90. Whenever I try to make the editing window larger, the buttons don't work. I hope both of these gets fixed in the newer versions.

Version 1.9.1 is on the way, too, but it's not good to wish too hard for any particular feature or fix — that seems to jinx the process; it's better to accept whatever comes with zenlike tranquility. ๐Ÿ˜‰

-- Gary

posts: 30 United States


If you add a "width=30%" parameter (or whatever percentage), you can keep the box on the right-hand side of the page, and the underline still appears.

I set the width=45% and it's looking great right now! See the TOC box here.


Version 1.9.1 is on the way, too

Do you know when it might be released?


..but it's not good to wish too hard for any particular feature or fix — that seems to jinx the process; it's better to accept whatever comes with zenlike tranquility. ๐Ÿ˜‰-- Gary

Sounds like good advice Gary. I need to keep reminding myself of that.
Thanks again for all the great help!

Best Wishes,

posts: 131 Singapore

> Quote

If you add a "width=30%" parameter (or whatever percentage), you can keep the box on the right-hand side of the page, and the underline still appears.

> I set the width=45% and it's looking great right now! See the TOC box here.

Hi Stephen,
How do you do a background color in the box?? Say yellow?? Can it be done.
Been learning a lot from the day you started this post. ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks a million,

posts: 4664 Japan

> > Quote

> >
If you add a "width=30%" parameter (or whatever percentage), you can keep the box on the right-hand side of the page, and the underline still appears.

> > I set the width=45% and it's looking great right now! See the TOC box here.
> >
> Hi Stephen,
> How do you do a background color in the box?? Say yellow??

  • That's what the bg=>#CCCCCC (for example) in the parentheses is for. Use any HTML colorname or hex code (the word yellow is ok, or #FFFF00).


posts: 30 United States

I am working on two Tiki 1.85 websites. The TOC boxes that I was creating in regards to the messages in this topic thread are working fine: have a look: Example on Website A: working TOC boxes.

However, when I try the same thing on another Tiki 1.85 website, the TOC boxes don't work. Have a look Example on Website B: TOC boxes that aren't working.

What can the problem be, and how might I get the TOC boxes on Website B to work correctly?


posts: 4664 Japan

> What can the problem be, and how might I get the TOC boxes on Website B to work correctly?

It looks like the DIV plugin tag isn't being recognized at Website B. Can you double-check to make sure the same wikiplugin_div.php file is in the lib/wiki-plugins directory at that website?

-- Gary

posts: 30 United States

> > What can the problem be, and how might I get the TOC boxes on Website B to work correctly?
> It looks like the DIV plugin tag isn't being recognized at Website B. Can you double-check to make sure the same wikiplugin_div.php file is in the lib/wiki-plugins directory at that website?
> — Gary

Thanks Gary, I had a look in the lib/wiki-plugins directory and the "wikiplugin_div.php file" isn't even in the directory. So I guess that is the problem. Could the fact the this 1.85 version was installed by Fantastico have caused it to be omitted? The other website, where the TOC box works, was installed manually by the website owner.

Anyway, how would I get a copy of the "wikiplugin_div.php" file to put in that directory? But, even as I say this, yesterday I have just installed version 1.90 and might not need it anyway.


posts: 957

Stephen, Gary did the big of the answer (I arrived late! ๐Ÿ˜Š)

However, to add a bit to it: to put a line, just use the ^ character:

Copy to clipboard
{DIV(bg=>#CCCCCC,float=>right)}^__Page contents__ {maketoc}^{DIV}


Page contents

Also, you can do a manual trick another way (similar to what we did in http://edu.tikiwiki.org ):

Copy to clipboard
{SPLIT(fixedsize=>n)} Bla, bla, ... --- ^__Page contents__ {maketoc}^ {SPLIT}


Bla, bla, ...
Page contents

Hope this helps

P.D: Gary, I didn't know the "float" parameter on de DIV code! nice! (thanks for the info ๐Ÿ˜Š

posts: 4664 Japan

> P.D: Gary, I didn't know the "float" parameter on de DIV code! nice! (thanks for the info ๐Ÿ˜Š

Float was added in one of the recent updates, I think. ๐Ÿ˜Š

-- Gary

posts: 84 Singapore

> Float was added in one of the recent updates, I think.

Which recent updates? I could not get the float to work in my TikiWiki (ver 1.8.5). ๐Ÿ™ Have merely copied and pasted your code:

Page contents

Table of contents

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

It works fine here.

posts: 4664 Japan

> > Float was added in one of the recent updates, I think.
> >
> Which recent updates? I could not get the float to work in my TikiWiki (ver 1.8.5). ๐Ÿ™ Have merely copied and pasted your code:

In a 1.9rc version or 1.9.0. Here is a link to the lib/wikiplugins/wikiplugin_div.php file, if you want to try replacing your current version of that file to see if that's sufficient to get the float. I'd temporarily rename the current version to wikiplugin_div_185.php or something and then put the new one in your directory for the test.

-- Gary

posts: 30 United States

> > > Float was added in one of the recent updates, I think.
> > >
> >
> > Which recent updates? I could not get the float to work in my TikiWiki (ver 1.8.5). ๐Ÿ™ Have merely copied and pasted your code:

What do you mean by "Floating"? Are these "Page Contents" TOC boxes "floating"? Is that what you meant? Here are a couple of sample pages where I had used them.

  1. . Experimental page for "Page Contents" box
  2. . Home page, with TOC Box

These are both on a Tiki 1.85 website.

posts: 4664 Japan

> > > > Float was added in one of the recent updates, I think.
> > > >
> > >
> > > Which recent updates? I could not get the float to work in my TikiWiki (ver 1.8.5). ๐Ÿ™ Have merely copied and pasted your code:
> Gary,
> What do you mean by "Floating"? Are these "Page Contents" TOC boxes "floating"? Is that what you meant? Here are a couple of sample pages where I had used them.
> #. Experimental page for "Page Contents" box
> #. Home page, with TOC Box
> These are both on a Tiki 1.85 website.

Yes, they are. Float is a CSS property that determines where an object is displayed within another object. Make your browser window narrower when a look at your example pages, and notice how the text repositions itself around the Page Contents box, how the box appears to float within the div holding the text, while keeping to the right side. This makes a kind of flexible page layout possible, in contrast to the fixed positioning you get with regular HTML.

-- Gary

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