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News Feed from Wiki Structure Pages?

posts: 30 United States

Using Newsfeeds for Structures?

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    I don't know if I'm using the right words, but is it possible to do a kind of "news feed" from the Wiki Structure pages.


    What I'm talking about is shown on the front page of this website (under the Title "News", at: http://tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php. I've been able to duplicate that on this page http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=NewsletterPractice and on our front page here http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php, which feeds the a summary of each article, written in the headings, from the article section of Tikiwiki.

    I'd like to be able to do something very similar, only in the Wiki Structures, like this:

    Newsletter Structure:

    We'd like to create a structure for semi monthly newsletters. Inside of this structure would be combinations of parent and child pages, such as the following parent and child pages. Each parent page would be the main page of each newsletter. I'd like to somehow feed a summary (which could be written in the description, or from the footing field, or the summary could somehow be taken from the first few lines of the body text) of each wiki child page. These Summaries within each parent/child group would feed from the child pages to the corresponding parent pages. The examples below only show one or two child page levels, but the real newsletters could contain multiple sub-levels, such as this:


    1. Jan-Feb? Newsletter (parent page)
    ...1a. Article One (child page) (about drapery types of drapery fabrics)
    .......1a.01 Article One B (sub-child page)
    ...1b. Article Two (child page) (about webbing)
    ...1c. Article Three (child page)
    ...1d. Article Four (child page)

    2. Mar-Apr? Newsletter (parent page)
    ...2a. Article One (child page) (about how to iron drapery fabrics)
    ...2b. Article Two (child page)
    ...2c. Article Three (child page) (about types of springs)
    ...2d. Article Four (child page)

    3. May-Jun? Newsletter (parent page)
    ...3a. Article One (child page) (about tying springs)
    ...3b. Article Two (child page)
    ...3c. Article Three (child page) (about how to lay out drapery fabrics for cutting)
    ...3d. Article Four (child page)

    Although I'm not going into it now, each of the child pages could end up as child pages of other structures as well.

    More Details

    I'm trying to write it out in more detail here: http://www.carrscorner.com/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=Newsletters

    Does this make sense?

    If I can't do this, what can I do?


    posts: 4664 Japan

    It could be done, to perfectly meet your needs, I think, but this would take writing a new tpl/php set of files to query the database and present the results, similar to how the articles are presented. For this you'd need to FindTikiExpert to be hired or persuaded.

    A less-automatic do-it-yourself version could be done with the Include plugin, I suppose. (See PluginInclude.) You'd have to make a new wiki page for the "front page" for each edition, and manually input the information (start and stop points and page names) for the plugin, which you'd repeat for each page needing to be introduced. A wiki template could be made to lay out the basics of the page, and then you could just add the specifics for each edition.

    Others may have suggestions, too, but this strikes me as an easy way to get started.

    -- Gary

    posts: 30 United States

    Quote from chibaguy:

    A less-automatic do-it-yourself version could be done with the Include plugin, I suppose. (See PluginInclude.) You'd have to make a new wiki page for the "front page" for each edition, and manually input the information (start and stop points and page names) for the plugin, which you'd repeat for each page needing to be introduced. A wiki template could be made to lay out the basics of the page, and then you could just add the specifics for each edition. Gary

    Thanks Gary! This sounds like it might work!
    Do you know if somewhere where this plugin is being used, so I can see how it works and what it looks like?
    Do you know if it will work with Tiki 1.85?
    Is the plug in already installed with Tiki 1.85?
    Do I need to download it from somewhere and the upload it to my server and somehow turn it on.


    posts: 4664 Japan

    > Do you know if somewhere where this plugin is being used, so I can see how it works and what it looks like?

    No, I don't know of any examples. I suppose if the plugin is working smoothly, the page would just look like an ordinary wiki page unless the author explained that the plugin was being used there. Check the Plugin Include page for a description. I think the current version has built-in protections against such possible user mistakes as creating infinite loops. 😉

    > Do you know if it will work with Tiki 1.85?

    Yes, people commenting on the plugin page indicated it does.

    > Is the plug in already installed with Tiki 1.85?

    I think so, but am not sure.

    > Do I need to download it from somewhere and the upload it to my server and somehow turn it on.

    Well, first put the plugin syntax in your page and see what happens. If the plugin can't be found, you'll get a warning to that effect. Then you'll have to upload it (by FTP) to your /libs/wiki_plugins/ directory. It won't have to be turned on. Any plugin will work immediately once it's in that directory and called from a page.

    Also, to get a table of all plugins available at your site, make a page that contains this plugin code:


    -- Gary