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Features / Usability

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Display blog page to fit screen size

posts: 131 Singapore

Thanks Gary for pointing me to the right direction. 😊

Using modules worked great and yes, cache has to be set to off. Works great now.😎

The problem now is how to set a fixed spacing between the inlined modules and the first line of text in the page. I have added 5 modules lining up side by side. I have seen two problems:

  1. depending on how many lines the modules expands to (for example since your last visit new module), the first line of text is now next to the last module.
  2. depending on the screen resolution the user is using, you possibly see the same effect as in point 1.

I have tried using the line break (BR) command, but does not work very well either....😑

Do you or anybody out there has a better way in curing this problem??



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