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Features / Usability

Re: Re: tracker problems since upgrade to 1.9.3

posts: 496

I was testing and realized that the "sort_mode=>" option of the TRACKERLIST plugin caused that only a few items got listed on the wikipage. I deleted it from the arguements of the plugin and all items appeared again on the page. So far it was ok to leave it without a value if u dont want to use it, now u have to delete it..I think this is the difference in the new version, but maybe I'm wrong..anyway, i see all the items so I am happy 😊

> What is the field "system" used for?

> Thanks!
> M 😉

I use the "system" field type to place some comments and descriptions to the other tracker fields (people can read these but not touch them). I guess this is its purpose, I did not find much info about it.. The upgrade modified the content of the system fields in my trackers, I had to recreate them, now it is working ok


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