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Features / Usability

Re: uploading pictures

posts: 113 Ireland

> ok i have been sitting some time here trying to upload pictures
> its all buggy or i am realy dumb
> i dont want pictures in database, but as sson as i define a directory it doesn't work anymore
> the current directory i chose is " files/"

Is the 'files' folder writeable by the web server? Check permissions on it. If tikiwiki is installed in /var/www/tiki, then the folder /var/www/tiki/files needs to be 02777 so that the web server can write in it.

Is php.ini set to allow uploads? Go to Admin -> phpinfo and look at the setting for file_uploads
Is the size of the image within the size allowed? Go to Admin -> phpinfo and look at the setting for upload_max_filesize

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