Re: Inconsistent tracker item resturns
As a workaround to the problem I have updated line 326 of tiki-view_tracker.php
$newItemRate = NULL;
$newItemRate = 0;
I realize this is okay for the default values provided but could be problematic for someone who has customized the possible values for rating, but I am out of time and presenting this tracker in 2 hours. It seems to me it would be a good solution to force the user to provide a default value when providing custom rating values and using that on line 326 with zero being the default for the default values if you know what I mean. 😕
> Hello All,
> Using TikiWiki 1.9.7 on a Fedora Core 5 and Apache 2.0 platform.
> I've built a tracker and have put 5 items into it. I have seen the 5 items listed every so often when I attempt to list items. Most of the time though I only see the first two items I entered to the tracker. This is a problem even with no filter criteria specified. Here are some additional details:
> #When I did see all five items everything was working well and I was able to pick individual items with filtering. Immediately following the filtering exercise however I was unable to see all 5 items again, not even if I specifically request a missing item via unique criteria entered to the filter.
> #I have checked the tiki_tracker_item_fields
table and all the data appears there.
> #I have tried clearing out temp, templates_c
and modules/cache
one at a time to make sure I wasn't getting some sort of improperly cached value. This made no difference.
> I am at a loss at this point. Any advice would be appreciated.
> Update
> I have discovered since this last posting that if I save an item without setting the rating it doesn't appear on the list of items. Here are the specifics of this finding:
> #Add an item with no rating it doesn't appear on the complete item list and cannot be found via the filter.
> #Update the rating of any item and all items show up when back items list
is clicked, but no subsequent listing of the items will return a full list.
> #Update a missing item (after it appears on the list following the update of a visible items rating) and it will always appear on the list of items.
> #Only the rating has this effect. Updating any other field of ay other item does not resurrect missing items.
> #Turning off ratings for the tracker fixes the problem for the racker, but the problems persists for the plugin TrackerList
> #To solve the problem for the Trackerlist
plugin I need to change the tracker to reenable ratings and then give the item a rating.
> I'm thinking at this point that this issue is a bug in the tracker system.
> Thanks,
> Steve