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Private blog entries

posts: 17

I just ran into this bug about blog entries marked as private not being hidden from users. My first thought was that perhaps the flag just wasn't getting saved to the database, so I thought, as a quick hack, that I would go into MySQL and update the field myself. That didn't work. Then I thought, what the heck, this is probably a simple issue, maybe I'll try to fix it. So I dove into the code to have a look. What I found was that there doesn't appear to be any structure to handle individual items on a page. For the other kinds of pages — articles, image galleries, file galleries, quizzes — the permissions are only checked at the "gallery" level, and then all the data is dumped to the page; there is no such thing as a private image or a private quiz question.

In other words, it looks like this feature would require a major project to implement, which means I'm just going to have to live without it (as it doesn't look like anyone else is planning on doing anything about it soon). This is only a rough estimate, however, because I have only taken a brief look at the code. Could someone else confirm (or deny) my appraisal?


posts: 113 Ireland

Yes, permissions for features (articles, galleries, images, ) are on a per object level, not on a per-item level. If you want different permissions, you need to use different galleries (one public, one private). In a wiki page, you can use the wiki plugin Group to display different contents based on user group (one for anonymous, one for registered, for instance)

There is no permissioning that will let you control items inside an feature (like blog entries)


posts: 1643 Canada

> Could someone else confirm (or deny) my appraisal?


I am sorry about that. That checkbox should have never made it in an official (released) version. The tracker item is updated with details.

Now, if/when you do find other issues, please do try to fix them and contribute back the code.


M 😉