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Calendar problems

posts: 96 United States

I'll try this again.

Two questions:

1) I cannot select the year 2004 for setting up calendar events. If I move to January, it shows "2003" as the only year I can choose. Is there a reason I can't select 2004 now? Can I add other years as options on a page somewhere?

2) Is it possible to set up the calendar for recurring events - e.g., events that happen the same day each year (such as Christmas) are set up once and appear automatically each year without having to be re-entered?

Thanks for any advice!

posts: 2 United States


1) I was able to navigate to 2004. I just went to the navigational panel and clicked on +1m and it eventually took me to 2004.

2) I don't think this is possible, unless there's a hack for it.

On a side note, though I love Tiki, I am using another open source calendar for this purpose. I'm not sure what the rules of the road are, so email me if you want the name.



posts: 96 United States

> toaster02:
> Hi,
> 1) I was able to navigate to 2004. I just went to the navigational panel and clicked on +1m and it eventually took me to 2004.

Yes, I can do that, too. But try adding an event to the calendar and selecting 2004 as the year it starts or ends in. 2004 is not available. ONLY 2003 shows as a choice!! This is what my question is about. How can I get 2004 to be a choice here?


posts: 8
There's a separate forum thread that discusses the same bug as your number 1. I posted a patch for 1.7.4 into that thread.