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Re: Re: Re: Google maps plugin module not installing

posts: 40 United States

> Hi
> I went out to sourceforge.net and found Nelson Ko's source files - not sure why the install wasn't working correctly, maybe someone knows and can figure it out. I copied the files into the appropriate tikiwiki directories. (The otherwise failed install successfully created the required database table so I didn't have to do that by hand, but his documentation explains what to do if you need that step too.)
> Then was able to add a quicktag to the wikipages: {GMAP()} and display the Google map in that page.
> Attaching a zip file that contains those source files if anyone else is interested or knows how to fix the install.
> Thanks
> JQ

Great! Your a better sleuth than I. I took a look around the net and wasn't able to find the code back when I initially submitted the post. Hopefully I'll be able to make some time to use what you found this weekend.


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