Trackback tied to comments
I've been getting a lot of trackback spam (no surprise), so I tried to disable that feature, and I noticed that doing so also disabled comments. Re-enabling comments also automatically re-enabled trackback pings. I found that there is a column in the database table tiki_blogs for allowing comments, but none for allowing trackbacks (that I can see).
What I'm wondering is, is this going to be fixed in 1.10? I've seen a feature request about handling trackback spam, but I haven't seen this bug mentioned, and I've been unable to determine exactly what will be different about it (if anything) in 1.10. It's not that hard to delete the spam, but (a) it is hard if you want to filter out legitimate trackbacks, and (b) I don't want my readers finding trackback references to porn in the time before I get around to deleting them.