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Problems in IE7 with Simple Style

Hi folks,

I apologize if this has already been answered but I've been trying to search the forums and having some issues with it (all my results pages are just blank).

At any rate, I'm wondering if anyone uses the simple.css style? The problem I'm seeing is that when using IE7, any panels I assign to the right-hand side of the page appear over-top of the left hand. I'm really not at all talented with editing CSS files and was wondering if a "fix" has been developed? I've tried downloading the most recent version of the file, but the problem remains.

My organization wants to stick with this particular style, so I'd appreciate it if anyone can offer some advice on this.

Corby Johanneson


I don't see this kind of problem looking at themes.tikiwiki.org or other Tiki sites with IE7, using the Simple style. How does that site look to you? (I'm asking because I wonder if there's something specific at your site that is causing problems for IE7.) As far as I know, there's no known problem with IE7 and simple.css that requires a "fix," but if you give more details, maybe we can track down what's happening in this particular case.

-- Gary