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Features / Usability

Re: Wiki Tracker filter dropdown

posts: 838 United Kingdom

Hi - I am very successfully using the Trackerfilter plugin in several Wiki pages with quite large Trackers (eg 2000+ records each with 25+ fields)

The code below is one example I have used. All the refs have to be the absolute ids for the Tracker or the individual fields ie the ))TrackerId(( is 13; the fields to be filtered (using a drop down ie /d) are 127, 128, 129, 131, 132 and the fields to be shown in the results table in the Wiki page are 232, 127, 128 etc

{TRACKERFILTER(trackerId=>13, filters=>127/d:128/d:129/d:131/d:132/d, fields=>232:127:128:129:130:131:132:133:134:137:139 ) } {TRACKERFILTER}

This worked fine in 1.9.11 and having now upgraded to 2.0 I've found that the presentation is even neater than before.

Hope this helps


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