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Images in articles not appearing

posts: 6

I've run into a problem regarding images in articles. I saw an old post that looked like a similar problem but the response was not very detailed, plus it was old, so maybe there's better options available now.

When working on an article with images, the images are visible while editing, but the next day the article appears without the images (in firefox) or with broken image link icons (in IE). The images are still visible in the galleries.

If I edit an image name, the images will start to appear in the article again... until tomorrow when the problem has returned.

The previous I saw mentioned something about directory permissions but did not specify what directory or what permission it should have. Even if it did, I don't think I have shell access on my account so I might not be able to change it anyway so I'm hoping there's some configuration or group permission that I can change.

posts: 838 United Kingdom

Have you checked the permission level of the location where the image is held is the same permission level as the article - assuming the image is held within tiki.

If for example you are referencing an image in a Gallery that doesn't have the right permission this can happen.

Could you say where the image is located?

posts: 6

I looked through the wiki directory structure (using an ftp program since I don't have access to a command line) and could not find the images or the articles. There's an "images" and an "img" directory but those are for images used by the wiki.

Then I remembered, isn't there a config option for choosing between keeping gallery images in a directory and keeping them in the database? I wasn't sure I'd be able to create the directories I needed with the proper permissions so I believe I left the images and articles in the database.

Does that make sense? Does that shed any light on what's happening?

posts: 838 United Kingdom

Not really.

What I'm asking is what tiki function are you using to store the image - how did you upload it? Is it in an Image Gallery for example. To use images in wiki pages, articles etc you do not need access to the raw files and it shouldn't matter whether you are using database or file storage.

Could you tell us what you are typing in to the article edit screen to show the image.

posts: 6

I created a gallery, and uploaded to the gallery. Then I used the syntax given under the image when you view it in the gallery to insert it into the document.

The gallery image browser gives multiple formats, HTML and wiki syntax as well as using the name of the image or the ID of the image. I've tried both wiki syntaxes and have seen the problem with each one.

Today, strangely the problem does not seem to be occurring. So maybe, in my messing around I fixed something. I did notice that, before I logged into the wiki I could see the articles but not the images, but once I logged in I could see the article with the images. Perhaps some of my confusion came from switching between admin and regular user accounts and sometimes being logged out.

posts: 6

Actually, I take part of that back. I went to the wiki this morning in IE. I saw the broken image links and noticed I was not logged in. So I logged in and all the imaged appeared.

Then I wrote my last reply here and went back to the wiki and logged out but the images we still available.

I'm still confused.

posts: 838 United Kingdom
OK - looks like your Image Gallery does not have the same permission level as the Article. If you can see the Article when not logged in then it has view permission for Anonymous - so you need to set the Image Gallery to have the same view permissions for Anonymous. The flip flop behaviour you've described is almost certainly explained by the images being cached when you are logged in and so you still see them when logged out
posts: 6

I think you may be right. I tested again after clearing my cache and sure enough, while logged out the images disappeared again.

With your suggestions in mind I will keep an eye out for this kind of behavior in the future.
