email validation / registration failing. How to validate email manually?
Guys, I am taking some heat with my users for this issue. It's very strange and since the feature has been working intermittently, I doubt it's a hosting site server php (@mail) function issue either. Finally, I am also certain it's not an email SPAM blocker / filter issue with the sender (receiver) email.
(1) I have a valid sender email in Admin > General >
(2) At this early stage I am using Tiki authentication method only (simple) with admin validation required.
(3) I see that the users have) registered in the Users list (database) but no email activation emails are being sent from TikiWiki site and none are being received. Password reminder is faring similarly: no go.
(4) As admin I can click on the green arrow in Users and try to validate that user manually, but the user still cannot login. The registration is not complete. The message after that is that I "Never > Need to validate email". How can that be done manually? How can I manually complete the registration in the meantime? (Will temporarily unchecking the validate by email box work for a temporary workaround manual validation?)
(5) After properly responding to the a few of the users email registration requests that have gotten through in the past, the message next to their user names in the Users list (database) read a registration date/time stamp but still have "Need to validate email" next to them. I am betting that they will also not be able to login.
(6) Does anyone have any insight as to what is causing this?
(7) Can anyone help me fix it?
(8) If you guys get me through this I would be happy to update the documentation on this. The documentation and troubleshooting sections on this issue are weak right now
Filters in my (sender) email have been set up to let these registration requests through and a few have, but most (right now all) are not arriving.
We can do better than this for documentation, no?
''Validation Email Never arrives.
If "Validate Users by Email" is checked in Admin>Login users can register but no email is ever sent so they cannot activate the registration.
Note: Your Tiki must have access to the php (@mail) function. to send the registration email.
Session Cookie? Problems (Now fixed)''
the valid sender of the email in Admin > General > is also really the admin receiver of the registration emails, too. Maybe that should be renamed email sender/receiver to clarify what it's supposed to do.