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email validation / registration failing. How to validate email manually?

posts: 12

Guys, I am taking some heat with my users for this issue. It's very strange and since the feature has been working intermittently, I doubt it's a hosting site server php (@mail) function issue either. Finally, I am also certain it's not an email SPAM blocker / filter issue with the sender (receiver) email.

(1) I have a valid sender email in Admin > General >

(2) At this early stage I am using Tiki authentication method only (simple) with admin validation required.

(3) I see that the users have) registered in the Users list (database) but no email activation emails are being sent from TikiWiki site and none are being received. Password reminder is faring similarly: no go.

(4) As admin I can click on the green arrow in Users and try to validate that user manually, but the user still cannot login. The registration is not complete. The message after that is that I "Never > Need to validate email". How can that be done manually? How can I manually complete the registration in the meantime? (Will temporarily unchecking the validate by email box work for a temporary workaround manual validation?)

(5) After properly responding to the a few of the users email registration requests that have gotten through in the past, the message next to their user names in the Users list (database) read a registration date/time stamp but still have "Need to validate email" next to them. I am betting that they will also not be able to login.

(6) Does anyone have any insight as to what is causing this?

(7) Can anyone help me fix it?

(8) If you guys get me through this I would be happy to update the documentation on this. The documentation and troubleshooting sections on this issue are weak right now

Filters in my (sender) email have been set up to let these registration requests through and a few have, but most (right now all) are not arriving.

We can do better than this for documentation, no?

''Validation Email Never arrives.

If "Validate Users by Email" is checked in Admin>Login users can register but no email is ever sent so they cannot activate the registration.

Note: Your Tiki must have access to the php (@mail) function. to send the registration email.

Session Cookie? Problems (Now fixed)''

the valid sender of the email in Admin > General > is also really the admin receiver of the registration emails, too. Maybe that should be renamed email sender/receiver to clarify what it's supposed to do.

posts: 3665 United States

What is the message that your users see after registering?

If they see something like
Unable to send email. Contact the administrator

This means that Tiki could not access the @mail function. Review the mail configuration section in your php.ini file.

If they get a message indicating that the mail was sent, but they never get anything, review your mail log. Confirm that the mail was actually sent.


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posts: 12

Thanks Rick,

I do appreciate the help.

The message the users see is the following:

"Your account request has been stored and will be activated by the admin as soon as possible. You'll receive email notification once your account is activated. Please do not attempt to login until you receive the email notification."

However, the admin, me, never receives a thing, thus I cannot validate and activate them, so they never receive a thing.

How do I get to the mail log? The only log I see is from the Tiki Logs link which is also called Sys Log. In that I see that mail is one type of Log event. I get a time and date and from an IP that matches the register event, and I also see the receiver/sender email address, so I am going to assume, that means in addition to a registration event, that a mail event occurs.

Does that mean the email is definitely sent, though?

It's certainly not being received anywhere. Again, I tried this on both yahoo and comcast mail systems setting the filters and options as best as possible, in each case, to allow these email messages through. I don't see them anywhere, not even in SPAM or Trash.

How do I determine beyond that what's going on?

A search for mail log turns up nada.

Was that the mail log you were speaking of? Is there anything beyond that I can access for more information?

Anything else you can think of?

Can someone point me to the PHP files that are responsible for this feature, maybe save me some time finding the code in question, or better yet, provide me with the email of the people who wrote the code for this feature, so maybe they can help? Maybe we can fix this and make it better for future users, too.

Thanks, again.

posts: 12

Actually, most of the requests seem to be coming through, possibly even all of them, but with a huge delay, and that seems part of the confusion, as well.

A bunch that I was testing starting showing up in my Inbox EVEN with timestamps like they have been in my Inbox since Thursday or Friday, but I assure you that they have not. I not only scan my Inbox but run specific searches for the Tiki User Registration Request(s). I have one more login request in the database, outstanding, a test, that I instituted yesterday, about 20 hours ago, and I see no email activation request in my Inbox today for it. If this seeming delay- glitch remains true to form, I will see it in my Inbox sometime on Tuesday or more likely Wednesday, several pages back — dated Saturday as if it's been in there the whole time. ❓ 🙄

The responses are also dramatically delayed. Those users and testusers who I just activated won't see the email validation link for a few days with this issue going on, seems about a four day delay, in general. I can start measuring that, actually.

Can you tell me if these activation requests are supposed to be nearly instantaneous? I believe they are, and seemed to be, when I first launched this.

Could there be anything going on in the Tiki Code or a setting that I might have which might be delaying these so dramatically?

There is some spamming of the site, perhaps because bots are written to find anything with tikiwiki in them, but I am not sure enough spamming to slow it down to these levels.

Any insight would be appreciated? Thanks, again.

posts: 289 United States

I'm having a similar problems and created a separate forum post, but I'm wondering if these are related.

Unlike bloozman12 though, password reminder emails seem to come through every time and instantaneously, yet the registration emails never come through and the user receives the message "Unable to send email. Contact the administrator", as Rick mentioned.

I don't understand why one would work and the other not. Perhaps, I'll try some of the other mail features such as watches, and high priority private messages and see if I get emails for those.

posts: 12

This problem remains a bit of a mystery. We had to move the site into a developmental phase as a result of this issue and go with something else for a while as our main website.

I did receive word from my hosting company that the mail server had appeared clogged at the time. There's no clog now. We have no explanation at this time.

After renaming the domain name to something developmental, the problem seems to have disappeared for now, but it's on the same server, so that really says nothing at all.

It appears, again, however, that this issue may not have been the fault of Tikiwiki or its code. Perhaps time will tell. I'll keep updating this with an answer if one comes about.

I would also like to cajole those who post to leave a final post of some kind, at least one like this. Too many times here, I see people who post what appears to be a unresolved issue and there's no final note about if it was ever resolved or not. Even if you all give up, come back and write "I gave up because of this". That would be more telling than all of these hanging threads. How are the remaining forum members to judge what percent of issues/threads remain unresolved versus those which get resolved? Please people, come back and post what you ultimately did.

Thanks in advance,

posts: 21
on my tiki forums I have made a rule that the green smiley is an indicator that the thread is resolved and should only be used as that. It is crude but i can search for mrgreen to see how many posts are resolved vs how many are open. my 2c

posts: 9
My guess is the hosting site. Maybe they did clear the clog, but email that has been spooled sometimes still has a time limit (set by the admin of the server) higher than say 15 minutes, before it gets finally sent. Also, I would have them double check the spam filters, they might be clogged as well.