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audio podcast RSS feed: need some help v2.2

posts: 838 United Kingdom

Hi - I'm trying to get a RSS feed to work from an audio podcast file gallery and something is not quite working. Hoping someone can point out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's what I've done so far:
- all the file galleries use a file folder to store content with a designated web readable folder for podcasts
- I've given Anonymous the tiki_p_download_files, tiki_p_list_file_galleries and tiki_p_view_file_gallery permissions
- I've created a file gallery as a podcast(audio) type and made it public and uploaded a test mp3 file
- and I have switched on RSS for file galleries

When viewing the test gallery the RSS|podcast icon is correctly shown and when I click it, the usual RSS screen is shown from the link, which is tiki-file_gallery_rss.php?galleryId=1&ver=PODCAST

The problem is that whilst the test file in the gallery is listed it is not shown as a link and when I view the source for the page the link tag for the item is missing. My podcast reader therefore doesn't see any enclosures.

The RSS function works fine with Google Reader with other Tiki features eg image galleries and I can also syndicate a non-podcast file gallery which contains an mp3 file to Google Reader - but it won't work with my podcast reader (Juice and I've tried Doppler) presumably because it is using the fileId= format

Hoping someone can help me here


posts: 5
I did the same things you did and arrived at the same problem. When I click on the "rss podcast" button, the window is blank. There isn't a lot of documentation for this feature either. At least you're not the only one with the problem.