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Reset user password - how?

posts: 5 Australia

I'd love to how to reset user's password (as admin). I mocked around with the user table in mySQL but could not get it working.

Also, is there a way to:
1. create a user and assign a password (I can do this bit)
2. when the user logs in using the assigned password, he's prompted for a new password (here I'm stuck)

I'm using TikiWiki 1.7.4 for a closed group of users that I need to administer centrally.

Thanks in advance.


posts: 2881 United Kingdom

Hi Filip,

What I do for setting up my userbase is create the accounts, then ask people to use the Remind by password to retrieve a temp password, then they can login and setup there own.

However if once your users are created you modify the databsae table users_users I think if you fill in the provpass field for those records with a provisional password, they will get asked for new password on their login.

Hope it helps you

posts: 5 Australia

Hi Damian,

thanks for you info. I can now force TikiWiki to prompt for new password by setting users_users.pass_due to 1 in MySQL.

The rest is still not working:
- The field users_users.provpass does not seem to be doing anything. It's blank by default and when I set it to something, it remains there even after the password is reset.
- changing the users_users.password won't do anything either. This field only holds a value after I use the "I forgot my pass" feature - it shows the random password that was emailed. However even if I change it, the random password is still valid.



posts: 5 Australia

Hi Damian,

thanks for you info. I can now force TikiWiki to prompt for new password by setting users_users.pass_due to 1 in MySQL.

The rest is still not working:
- The field users_users.provpass does not seem to be doing anything. It's blank by default and when I set it to something, it remains there even after the password is reset.
- changing the users_users.password won't do anything either. This field only holds a value after I use the "I forgot my pass" feature - it shows the random password that was emailed. However even if I change it, the random password is still valid.



posts: 5 Australia

Hi Damian,

thanks for you info. I can now force TikiWiki to prompt for new password by setting users_users.pass_due to 1 in MySQL.

The rest is still not working:
- The field users_users.provpass does not seem to be doing anything. It's blank by default and when I set it to something, it remains there even after the password is reset.
- changing the users_users.password won't do anything either. This field only holds a value after I use the "I forgot my pass" feature - it shows the random password that was emailed. However even if I change it, the random password is still valid.

