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Features / Usability

Hotwords behavior problem

posts: 96 United States

All my hotwords have a question mark after them. I don't recall reading in the documentaion that this is supposed to happen, but perhaps I missed it. The links work OK, but I would rather not have the "?" following the words if possible. How do I get rid of them, if I can?

posts: 2881 United Kingdom


Either refresh the Wiki Cache, or turn off WikiWord options on Admin->wiki


posts: 96 United States

> Either refresh the Wiki Cache, or turn off WikiWord options on Admin->wiki
> Damian

Thanks, Damian. Turning off the WikiWord option did it.

posts: 96 United States

> Either refresh the Wiki Cache, or turn off WikiWord options on Admin->wiki
> Damian

Thanks, Damian. Turning off the WikiWord option did it.