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Features / Usability

Image Gallery phased out in future.

posts: 104 United States

I would like to ask how to get the file gallery to display images, like the phaseing out Image gallery does? What I am asking is using the image gallery the images pop up when selected. However with the images used with the file gallery, how do you make the file gallery pop up the images to view and not down load the image when selected?

Thank you?

posts: 4664 Japan

You get something like the image gallery view by using a URL like tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=16. This is the "Browse images" button's link.

The file gallery is being redone in an experimental branch of the code, and am not sure what the changes are, but I hope they include a page view that is more image-gallery-like and not so utilitarian file gallery-looking.

-- Gary

posts: 104 United States

I stopped using the Image feature since it said it was going to be phased out. This what the file feature does when using the last file mod. http://academyofabraham.org/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=??
When I was using the images features the last image module It would have a link which said "view" and not download.

posts: 4664 Japan

I activated the "Last files" module at this site briefly to test, and images in the file galleries have a "/preview123" kind of url. The image displays when the file name is clicked. (It displays in a popup colorbox when the module is in the center column, or in a new window when the module is in a side column.) This is in the most recent Tiki version (Tiki 5 alpha). I don't know off hand if the behavior is the same in Tiki 4 or 3, or why your site is acting differently.

-- Gary

posts: 175 Canada

Just my two cents worth:

A real drag for us using the file gallery for images is the information display that's missing. When you upload an image to an Image gallery, it returns a page showing a tiki syntax tag, and also a constructed html image tag for displaying the image in an HTML page (or on another site etc.)

Not so with the file galleries. You have to upload the image, the go to the gallery, find the image, display info, load the image and construct the thing yourself and just already know that &display is required... just very awkward.